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  1. We've been RVing for 3 years and our 3 Brussels Griffon dogs come along on each and every trip. For our first few trips we spent most of our time untangling leashes until we stumbled upon a portable wireless fence!!! Pet Safe makes a portable and adjustable wireless fence that works great for the RV: Pet Safe Portable Wireless Fence The system takes less than 5 minutes to set up and our dogs are soon happily lounging in our campsite. We, of course, inform the camp hosts of our wireless fence and ask for their permission to use it instead of keeping the dogs on leads. Once we get to our site, we also tell all of our neighbors that the dogs are on a wireless fence so no one can misinterpret why are dogs are not on leashes. At every campground (even up the Alcan highway) dog owners meander to our site once they hear we have a wireless fence to "check it out" and ask questions on ease of use, replacement parts, how to adjust the range, etc. We have probably sent more than 100 dog owners to the nearest pet store to get a wireless fence for their RVs! We will continue to spread the word about this great product that unquestionably improves our furry family's RVing experience.
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