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Posts posted by f351103

  1. We have a 2004 30 ft Monaco Monarch SE as far as added steering from factory there was none. I had Rear Stablizers put and and the steering on front. Now it is a joy to drive. I used to hate the 18 wheeler coming and passing me as it almost drove me off the road. Now I can't tell when they come up or pass me. It will difinitly help in gas mileage as I'm not on and off the gas pedal and braking as much and can keep a constant speed. All totaled it cost me 700 US. The rear stablizers I had done at Northwest area rally and saved 300 dollars the steering I got on sale at Camping World and saved 100.

    I would difintely say go ahead and do it!!!!!

    Barb Harkness F351103

    KM International Chapter

    Pres and Nat'l Director

  2. You really do need all the info as mentioned. When we bought our Coach the RV Dealer said it didn't matter if jacks were down or not before putting slides out. When down on one of our trips to Camp Monaco I asked the tech there and they told me for OUR rig it would be slides out 1st and then level. So again get all the info and repost. There's sure to be someone that can help.

    Barb Harkness F351103

  3. We had somewjhat the same problem. The black would flow no problem grey on the other hand could take up to 45 mins to drain.

    It was still under warranty so we had Monaco look at it. When they orginally installed the tank they left bits and pieces of the wood in the tank when they drilled to connect it. They did fix it, 45 man hoyrs later. Works okay now, a touch slow but can't compalin. I also had a mercerater put on and that seems to have helped also. Being level or out of level also has a play in it too.

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