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Everything posted by Hanksmith

  1. We often dry camp. I can't see a full sized all electric fridge. If you go to many National parks, state parks, federal lands etc. you have set generator hours that you can operate it, an auto-start isn't going to cut it. Also, all those extra batts and weight and a special inverter? We go to see nature and our National parks and National Monuments. We don't like destination parks, either. In Denali in Alaska, you have to go in for a minimum of 3days, no hook ups, 1 hour gen 2 times a day. We have a 36 ft MH and we are often on the road 2-4 months at a time. If you have to have all the conveniences of home, why go? As Americans we have really gotten soft. The safety I understand, but don't try to sell me on the convenience. Besides if you have over 40 footer, you can't get in most of the National Parks, monuments, state parks and other federal parks.
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