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Posts posted by lukeaa

  1. Jay,

    I am not offend by FMCA, but I am frustrated by an old organization that refuses to evolve as the world evolves around it. The issue is about being an inclusive club, rather than an exclusive club. The era of there being enough motorhome owners to keep FMCA at it past membership level is gone. Maybe forever or maybe until the U.S. economy gets back up to full steam in 5-10 years. Even then, gas will be $5+ a gallon and most people will probably go with a towable because they get better milage. In the meantime, FMCA will continue to lose membership. At present, towable sales are 20 to 1 over motorhome sales. We can either be a single product club or a multiple product club. We all know how long a single product company lasts when their product goes out of style.

    The difference between motorized and towable issues can be addressed by adding some towable forum catagories on the website and adding some applicable classes and activities to the rallys and chapters. The object is to get the younger generation locked into FMCA now. They will move up to a motorhome, when they can afford it. In the meantime, all of us old motorhome owners will get old and die off. If we are not replaced as that happens, then FMCA will be overtaken by the more aggressive commercial clubs like Good Sam.

    I like this club and I like their rallys. I would rather go to a rally with 5,000 attendees, than one with 1,500 attendees. It does not really matter to me if they arrived in a towable or a motorhome. The entertainment is better, there are more classes with better teachers, and there are more vendors.


  2. And what would be the difference between RVing in a towable and a motorhome, other than the perceived social status of the rig? This organization needs an attitude adjustment and there is nothing like a plunge in membership to change some ingrained attitudes. Welcome to the 21st century where all RV'ers are equal and everyone's dues are welcome to keep our organization solvent.

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