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About dcotop

  • Birthday June 11

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Texarkana, TX
  • Interests
    Traveling, working on and driving old trucks and motorcycles and working on home projects when I can.
  • I travel
    Full-time in my motorhome

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  1. 1. Ken Nolte 2. ARNG and full time technician 3. 22 years and change. 4. 1SG/ E-8 5. 15Z NCOIC of aviation maintenance company. 6. Iraq, El Salvador, Afghanistan
  2. Thanks all. I am very happy with the Winnebago product. This is my second Class A from them. I am living near Texarkana, TX for the present time. I fully expect to be here for awhile as the project is moving right along.
  3. Greetings all: New to this forum but not new to much else. Motorhoming for quite a few years but only recently joined the FMCA. I work away from home and live in mine full time. On my second Winnebago now and hoping to do more traveling in the days ahead. I am parked most of the time now but looking forward to some vacation days ahead. I hope to attend a few rallies to meet some more people in the group.
  4. New to the FMCA and even newer to this forum. Mine is an 08 Winnebago Destination. Full timing in Texas on a work assignment.
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