Just getting ready for our first big adventure of around 3500mi from New Mexico to Indiana and back in our 1998 Safari Trek and I have purchased the Magellan Roadmate RV9145-LM specifically designed for the RV. After reading many reviews for this 7" device and comparing it to the Rand McNally and others I picked this one and so far like how it works and the ability to program in all of our trip ahead of time for stops and campgrounds. This unit is also pre-programmed with all of the Good Sam campgrounds and also list privately owned ones along with many POI's and selectable POI's such as resteurants by type of food and many other POI's too. There are also programmable buttons that can be assigned on the "One Touch" screen for simple and quick access as you like. I've been using in-car GPS units now for over 5yr withe TomTom, Garmin and now two Magellan units so just my two cents worth here. Hope it helps...