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Posts posted by melvonnar

  1. It is white fuzzy stuff that seems to be nylon type.

    I used a spray bottle filled with clorex. sprayed it directly on the stain (my sealing is white fuzzy stuff) stain is gone. If you do this I would advise you pick a spot in an out of the way to test to see what the clorex does.

  2. Prices for repair parts are all over the place; mostly very expensive (looks like most are over priced, I broke a control arm for my 32 type step I got prices from $42 to over $60 plus $12 t0 $16 shipping. Anyone have luck getting this part welded? if so what did it cost you?

  3. If by now you haven't changed the springs; heres the easest way to do it

    Get two packages of cloths pins at walmart

    remove the springs; now you have two halves

    extend the jack you want to change the springs on

    slide 15 clothspins on on side of open spring 180 degreas slide another 15 cloths pins

    retract jack

    you will need to help the jack up; with the clothspins in the springs they wont go up, I use a 6 foot long 2 by four

    springs now can be removed real easy

    tie 6 foot piece of strong rope to each end of new spring

    Tie one end of rope to strong object ( I used a telephone pole)

    tie other to car bumper; I used the trailer ball on my truck

    strech spring far enough to insert 15 cloths pins on each side; just like you did on the jack

    back up truck remove spring rope

    put new springs on jacks

    run jacks down cloths pins will mostly fall out; ones that don't can be removed easy

    your done

    should add the cloths pins need not go in all the way; half way is usualy far enough

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