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Posts posted by rmatteucci
Although not a trucker I listen to the Road Dog Trucker Channel on Sirius regularly and they have been talking about ELD's for quite a while doing a quick check online at the FMCSA website it only applies to vehicles that have a USDOT number and further narrows it down to trucks manufactured after 2000. Every once in a while you will see an motor home with the USDOT numbers taped on a side window or a pickup towing a trailer with a USDOT number on it these are deliveries and by law they are exempt from having ELD's however they are still bound by the hours of service law. It does not affect recreational drivers.
We stayed at Fishing Bridge several years back and like Herman said the sites are close together but manageable and it's in the park. The year after we were there they were installing a cell tower at the campground so cell service should be good. I have already booked three nights for late July this summer at Fishing Bridge on a return trip and I booked two nights in Colter Bay Campground in the Grand Teton NP. The last time we stayed only at Fishing Bridge and did a day trip to the Grand Teton's it was about an hour drive. When I booked the sites about two months ago the campsites in Colter Bay were mostly taken. The park is so big it really saves time being in the park. I would book ASAP.
Jeff, I also find your proposals valid and timely.
However, I am one of those that think bigger is not better. I belong to many other organizations and the members only really vote on changes to the operating bylaws.
The organizations are ran by a board of directors where each year a portion are elected by the membership for a multiple year term and they hire a STRONG executive director. These organizations also have elected vice presidents who move up to be president after several years. I think that with a Strong Executive Director and a smaller board (no more than 50 or 60 members) it would improve efficiency and keep the organization up with the times.
If everyone on the board is operating within the confines of the bylaws and there is a strong executive director that keeps them in check so if a membership vote is needed it is called for what is the need for an elaborate representation setup.
The board could set up committees to research different topics or even have standing committees to report to the board on specific areas of interest to the board and this would be where interested members could volunteer to assist.
Maybe behind the scenes there is a lot going on that I don't know about but some times we have do a reality check and look at what we are as an organization and what we want to be.
I originally had no issues with allowing other RV's to join and then after reading many passionate posts about why people joined I did some looking back to why I joined and it was simply because it was an organization for Motorized RV's. When it came time to vote I voted No to keep it the same. However, looking back to when I renewed it I found was because the perceived value of membership exceeded my dues. The real bottom line for me is whether I get my dues worth from maintaining my membership. At this point I still feel that I get my moneys worth and have no plans of not renewing my membership. My hope is that inclusion is ran right where it helps maintain low dues and the list of included benefits (not just discounts) is maintained or grows which will intern grow the membership. I have some concerns about the organization handling this properly based on the past nonetheless I will give them the time to get it done and will contribute whatever I can to make it happen. The big disappointment here is not the way the vote went but the low number of people that voted after three magazines and emails reminding them to vote - it says something about the membership in general.
I flat tow and have on a Rockhard 4x4 bumper and mounts for my Roadmaster tow bar. The mounts are steel and you would have to hit them pretty hard to bend them. No issues after about 40,000 miles of being towed. I had the regular Roadmaster mounts before I got the Rockhard bumper and while no issues it was a pain to hook and unhook. This one takes all of five minutes to hook and unhook. The safety cables hook to D-Rings (not shown)
No matter what side of the issue you are for, everyone should be concerned about everyone getting three ballots and that photo copied ballots are acceptable. The several national organizations I belong to either send a ballot pre-printed with your name on it (attached to the monthly magazine) and you return it to third party that certifies the ballot and tallies the vote or you are given a specific logon and password to vote online. Doing the vote in an impartial and open manner will go far to restore integrity to the organization. If the they don't and the vote is close then it will be another black eye for the organization and loss of more members.
Chris, I like your train of thought providing an Idea for FMCA Revenue Enhancement. I am not certain that trying to market FMCAssist outside of the membership is the way to go as unlike GS which basically self insures all of their products FMCA has to purchase the plan from an outside vendor which means anyone can always cut out the middle man (FMCA)) and get it cheaper. But I am sure there are other ways to provide the FMCA with a viable Revenue Enhancement. We (FMCA) have one thing going for us is that the membership comes from diverse backgrounds ranging from captains of industry to public servants. If we all took a few minutes to post a suggestion sort like a online "suggestion box" we could provide ideas for solutions to many of the FMCA issues. I am not advocating the tail wag the dog as we have elected officers and representatives however sometimes using the "chain of command" via the directors, chapters, etc. by the time the suggestion runs the course it is not nearly the same as it was first suggested or it is simply too late. A public post where the executive director, elected officers and directors can see the suggestion may be helpful to the organization. Perhaps if viable ideas are posted then one day the President, Executive Director or main office might create a monthly post with a problem for members to provide ideas for solving it.
I got mine a week ago and I really like it. I opted for the the 2 year contract so it was free and $20 per month. I got mine in 2 days and went on Amazon and got a USB to OBD2 adapter for the Mobley and used it at home to test. This week Wife has it on a trip with her sisters and says it works fine on the road. We will be using it in July on summer trip. Here is the webpage https://www.att.com/devices/zte/mobley.html#sku=sku7700323
Just ordered mine at the AT&T website https://www.att.com/devices/zte/mobley.html#sku=sku7700323 free express shipping should have it in a few days. Then went on Amazon and got a USB power adapter which should arrive the same time.
11 hours ago, WILDEBILL308 said:rmatteucci, jleamont, I am extending official invitations to you to join the Red River Rovers.
Thanks for the invite - a bit far to travel for now but in a year or two when the wife retires and we have more flexibility it will be something to consider.
I have just got done spending the better part of two hours reading the last two weeks of post on this thread. I have to admit in a previous post I supported adding the towables in the FMCA but after reading the well thought out comments in which the writers passion about the FMCA was clear as well as their clear support for it being a motor home only organization was evident. I got thinking back to when I joined the FMCA which is only about six years ago. A friend of mine told me about the FMCA and joining the FMCA was the first thing I did after I made my motorhome purchase and it was because it was for motor homes and it had a nice magazine. I wasn't sure about the other benefits but I justified the joining as somewhat a magazine subscription. Regarding towables I have to admit my opinion was swayed by a conversation with Charlie but now I see my error and will be supporting that the FMCA stays motor home only.
I am happy that I am a member and don't plan on going anywhere soon. I've been to one regional rally when I first joined and it wasn't what I expected and will say it wasn't bad but wasn't something I needed to do again soon. I don't understand the importance of Rallies and what is so special with them. Maybe it is just me I can't justify spending the time and money to travel a long distance to attend a meeting of members to just socialize.. I am still enjoying the "see America tour" and perhaps when that is done I will feel differently. I belong to one chapter (Amateur Radio) as I put an HF rig in my dingy. So far I have been unsuccessful in checking into the FMCARC net. For me the emphasis on rallies as a priority of the organization is like holding on to the past.
With that said It is clear from the posts there are many issues facing the FMCA that need to be addressed and don't know if putting them in a list will do anything as quite frankly some are just opinions and some are perhaps not across the board issues. However If I were classify them they all fall into the management and recruitment categories. The organization has to look at the business plan that it operates under and see if it's serving the organization as it should be.
I don't understand why the last thread on this topic was closed to further posts. Can someone explain the criteria for closing a thread as I have come across many posts on the board that are years old and still open.
Regarding the plan - I found out about the plan on this very forum and responded to it from the information on this "official" FMCA forum. The same forum the executive director in the previous thread encouraged all to call in to the office to get on the plan. If the FMCA wanted to they could have stopped it then as I assume they monitor this board all the time. I appreciate that the FMCA is working on more benefits that will attract and/or keep members. I just can't help thinking that when the deal was negotiated FMCA told Verizon the current number of FMCA members and a percentage of members they felt would take advantage of the plan so someone should have had an idea what to expect. What else is confusing why did the price go down from $49.99 to $43.99 - did the trial group not like the deal?
3 hours ago, fire344 said:I used the online form two days ago and never got a return call. Called them today and was told Verizon put a hold on the plan due to the response. They are now putting people on a mailing list and will notify you when the program re-opens.
I did the same filled the form out two days ago and never got a return call and then called them around 2 PM today and was told the plan is on hold and that they were putting in people for July. I wasn't asked to be put on a list however I was told to call back in a week or so to see if the program is up and running. I agree with the disappointment in the FMCA that many others have expressed. This is one of the many of the poor choices that the association has made over the past several years from the handling of the "makeover" aka towable inclusion, investing in RVillage rather than coming up with something that draws people to the FMCA website not away from it. and failure to have the vision to change the organization with the times so that younger people would join. The organization will go no where if it's always in crisis management mode.
Sounds like a great trip and great adventure something only yesterday the wife and I were talking about for a trip next Easter (Blue Ridge Pkwy Portion) - the only issues I see are the 469 miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway are 45MPH and the 105 miles of the Skyline Drive are 35MPH. That means a 400 mile day is going to take about 10 hours not counting any stops and if you continue up the Skyline Drive the 105 miles of it will take close to 4 hours. Most people plan for a leisurely trip about 5 hours driving which comes out to be about 8 hours behind the wheel (taking into consideration lunch, sightseeing stops, etc) for the Blue Ridge Parkway then plan for a 225 (5 x 45) mile day (slightly longer or shorter depending on campground stopovers. As far as tunnels you should be OK but several you are going to have to take the center lane. The Blue Ridge Parkway has a milepost type guide so you can see what you like or would pass by and it has listing of some of the campgrounds. On the Interstates 5 hours gets about 325 miles. I've made the run down I-81 from Winchester VA continuing to Baton Rouge, LA when the son was in LSU several times in the RV and and the only issue I found was finding a campground near where daily goal of miles would place me.. Back then I was destination oriented and put some long days behind the wheel on the Interstates. It all depends on how long you are comfortable driving, what's on the route to see, and where is the next campground. I do a 30 days summer cross country trip every summer, I first pick the route and then look for campgrounds and more than anything the locations of the campgrounds will dictate the number of miles per day. Some days I have around six hour drive and others a 4 hour drive. One thing we learned there is plenty that we will have to pass by and leave for another day. We have no regrets and note them down for the next trip.
Thanks Carl you must have read my post during the time I was updating it. The good thing about the Internet is you have a lot of information at your fingertips, the bad thing about the Internet is much of it is outdated information.
I traveled the full length of the GSP in my old Class C RV several times but haven't with my current one. My old RV height was around 11'5". This summer I have a trip planned which I would come home from Maine and head down the GSP. So a few minutes ago I Googled about height of underpasses on the GSP to see if they are listed anywhere and found this is a hot topic on many forums and some include old information including some about a maximum width of 8'-0". When you look up GSP regulations you end up with several links to Chapter 8 of the NJ Administrative Code. In 2005 they were repealed and the GSP came under the NJ Turnpike Authority and are included in Chapter 9. It is clear that RV's are allowed up to 13'-6" high and 8'-6" wide are allowed the full length. See the definition of Camper in the first section and then look at § 19:9-1.9 Limitations on use of Roadway the regulations are at www.state.nj.us/turnpike/documents/regulationsunofficialversionforWebsite.pdf The issue is now is to pick a time when the traffic flow is lighter as the area where the low underpasses are can get heavy at times and it maybe difficult to get make lane changes to avoid the low shoulder side lanes.
Herman, thank you for your explanation. I too feel strongly about the FMCA. One of the first things I did when I bought my motorhome was to join the FMCA. I learned about the FMCA from other friends that had a motorhomes before I did. Owning a motorhome is different than most acquisitions one makes in that it is almost like a hobby. You are always looking into what's new and how to fix or do things, etc. It is through reading online posts on various forums, joining other clubs and reading the FMCA magazine from cover to cover I became concerned. My first concern was the lack of information of how many members the organization has and general information on the operation of the club in the magazine. I guess the response to this is I should be more active in the FMCA and I would know the information. Not all of us can attend rallies or chapter events or would have time to do that. Some of this information is available online but you have to know how to find it. Recently a big red flag for me was the pushing people to join RVillage. I did and I found it cumbersome to use, too much like Facebook and really nothing that could help me or in my mind the FMCA. It was only later I found that the FMCA made a considerable donation to that website to try to promote members. That really got me concerned because it seemed that FMCA does not under the value of the Internet to it's future. More recently on a post elsewhere on this forum by the President he mentioned that the FMCA was taking $800,000 from the FMCA cash reserves to pay for the FMCAssist benefit. It was part of information in a larger post so there may be more to the story but if it is true. You can't expect an organization to last when you are using cash reserves to pay for benefits. All benefits should be paid by the current dues. If 800K was the total cost of the benefit then with 70,000 members it is around $11.50 each which is very reasonable but it still leaves the question why pay from reserves. A while back I did reach out to the President via email and did get a phone call from him on the topic of towables. I did address some other points as well and it was a cordial conversation. I will take the time and send an email my national director. However, I think discussions on the future of the FMCA in a public forum such as this could be productive. I think the future of the FMCA rests not necessarily with the inclusion of towables, but I have no issue with allowing them to join as I see little differences between us and them, rather the future is having a strong executive director. Some one who is current on the latest technology, knows how to run organizations, what they need to retain and attract members, understands perceived value of membership, views thing as long turn not just to the end of a elected officers term and will make the hard decisions when necessary.
Thanks CK - Let me see if I got this right from your information and some information I received from visiting some of the regions websites - All Region Presidents are National Vice Presidents and are members of the Executive Board. Which also includes the President, Sr. Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer plus the immediate past president. The National President, Sr. V/P, Treasurer and Secretary are elected by the National Directors which is comprised of chapter representatives which carry the title of Director from each of the 500 chapters. This makes the Executive Board about 15 people (10 regions, 4 officers plus one past president). This also makes the Governing Board about 500 people.
I noticed that most Areas have many Area Vice Presidents - are they there to have people move up the "ladder" or do they get individually elected annually? What are their responsibilities within the national organization? I understand the comment that only 30% of the members belong to a chapter which has a director on the Governing Board. Then that makes the remaining 70% have to rely on the Region Presidents (AKA National Vice President) to represent them at the National Level.
I also take it that since the Governing Body has oversight and legislative duties the Executive board has executive duties. I assume the Committees are appointed by President or Executive board.
My first thought - If you don't belong to and are active in a chapter or attend the National Rally the only way the "powers to be" know what you want is to write/email the Region President (AKA National Vice President) of the Region you live in. For someone like me living in New Jersey I would contact the North East Motor Home Association President with my concerns or kudos.
Looking at this set up it would seem that there is an imbalance in the power wielded in the organization with a disproportional amount given to the Chapters. This imbalance leads me to believe why the FMCA has many of the current issues (lack of new members, loss of membership, failure to embrace the web) and I think that it lies in the fact that it places a lot of importance on face to face communication (Rallies, Chapter weekends, etc) which I think are opposite to what we have today with the Internet, Smart phones and Social media. For the future the organization has to embrace the Internet (while keeping something in place for those that don't use it). There will always be gatherings but I think they will be small ones comprised of like minded friends. I don't think they will be reaching the levels of the Regional ones in the past. I think that if the FMCA put the $250,000.00 they gave to RVillage into this forum and website and integrated all Regions and Chapter postings into it would be a big step into the future and we would have one of the most active forums on the net and the website that would generate money for the FMCA. With activity you would have the numbers that would attract member benefits which could bring in new members. I guess I should be sending those comments to my National VP rather than posting here.
I am somewhat confused on the way the Directorships work. From what I gather the different Chapters have a director which represent them and then there are regional directors which represent those that don't belong to a chapter - Is that correct? Also how do Area Presidents and Vice Presidents fit into the directorships. Can someone please explain.
I also use the Good Sam Trip Planner and find to be very easy to use. However after looking at the different apps or website out there I don't think there is one that will meet everyone's needs. I find myself using the GS Trip Planer to document my trip but I end up opening several tabs in the browser with one with the Trip Planner, another open to Google Maps, another looking up campground reviews, and another for searching the campground website while planning. I looked at RV Trip Wizard but felt that since I spent so much time doing Internet searches as part of the planning why spend money on something I would use just for the mapping. It is probably a good program but for me it wasn't needed.
John, Some good points and everything is doable in some form with probably the exception of the rv show discounts from the fact that the people running the RV show are that same people that own Camping World, Good Sam and Motorhome / TrailerLife Magazine probably wouldn't play well with a competitor organization. The other suggestions are centered in being in the now and aware what is out there and what an association can offer. In a association ran by retired people from different walks of life the best thing to do is to hire an Executive Director that is up on everything about associations. He or She is the one to bring in today's thinking while the elected officials bring in the history and tradition. The blend then helps the organization cope with the future. I don't see any of that at the FMCA. Only been to one regional Rally and don't belong to a Chapter. They don't seem right for me at this time. The time I have for travels is limited so I don't want to forgo seeing America to attend a chapter event or rally that everything there i can get/see/do elsewhere easier. After reading several posts on club/chapter directors voting does that mean I am an un-represented member? Exactly how does the voting in the FMCA work? The only rally I did attend when I first got my RV the FMCA was quick to tout that the FMCA was the only member ran organization of RV owners out there. I have to ask are they really?
Glad I noticed this thread on the FMCA forum. I don't check here a lot as there is little activity. I have posted some comments on the iRV2.com forum and I think I should bring them here. A little demographics first - 61 YOA retired had a 35 years in LE rising to the top of a small municipal department. Member of the FMCA since I first purchasing my first motor home in 2011 attended one Rally - the NEAR in 2012. With that said. As this thread included allowing towable members I will comment on that first - I have no problem. The organization needs members they are next logical group to go after. Include them like any other member. It helps bringing costs down with the economy of scale bringing costs down per member as long as growth is at a steady level so you don't have to hire more staff.
As far as attracting younger members and not losing any more of the membership the organization has to take a good hard look at it self. This is something the FMCA hasn't done or has done poorly. It is not as simple as bringing in new members but giving the new members what they perceive as value for their membership dues. Right now the only perceived value is the FMCA Assist and mainly because of the average age of the current members. I have no issue with the FMCA Assist program and hope I never have the need to use it. However, it is an insurance policy based with rates based on use. Unless we get younger members the rates will continue to go up thus the dues go up or stay the same at the expense of other benefits. In regards to the FMCA Assist someone has to correct the notion that the FMCA pays the bill. Whenever someone brings up a negative comment about the FMCA elsewhere someone else posts that they used the FMCA Assist and the FMCA spent $4,000.00 on them and it was great so don't change a thing. If this is not how the FMCA Assist works please clarify the costs. I imagine it takes up a good portion of the dues. If it is self insured then the problems are deeper than I thought.
Let's address perceived benefits - what does a member get in return for his/hers dues - right now the FMCA has the FMCA Assist, the FMCA Magazine, which in my opinion is a good magazine but is desperate need of a makeover. The other benefits are discounts - Tire discounts, road service discounts, insurance discounts. These were great but today with the Internet you can almost find any item cheaper or equal somewhere else. Also none of the discounts are exclusive to the FMCA. For example the Michelon Advantage program is offered by other RV clubs. Also it is my understanding that the Michelon Advantage gives nothing back to the FMCA while the Continental Tire give money back to the FMCA and members of the board argued against it. It's a no brainer. What the FMCA has to do is look for benefits that are exclusive to the FMCA - you have to join to get them or get them at a level better than elsewhere. Loyalty to the organization no longer keeps members - perceived value does.
In today's world an organization can no longer go on the business model they used years ago. Perhaps the inclusion of towables is an example of adapting but about 10 years too late. Today's world is online and I know that it is not easy for the older members. The challenge to the organization to bring the same information on two platforms which many organizations do well. What is the FMCA's answer to the Internet it was go to RVillage.com. I went there and joined. It is cumbersome and quite frankly a waste of my time. I can't understand why in this age where websites generate money the FMCA would send members to another website. Then I heard that a donation of $150,000.00 was given to that website for an official presence. It sounds like the decision made by someone who is clueless about the Internet. The money would have been better spent on improving the FMCA website and then you would attract traffic and maybe make some money by ad clicks. You have to ask why doesn't this forum have the activity it does when you have 70,000 members. Again if i am wrong about the donation please correct me as I am only a member and don't have access to the inside information.
The time is now to "energize" the FMCA - I think the FMCA has an opportunity to become the leader in recreational vehicle clubs. The only real competition is the Good Sam which is becoming nothing more than a marketing arm of Camping World. But they got a couple of things right that the FMCA could learn from - the discounts at Flying J/Pilots and their Trip planner software that you need to be a member to use. Both are attractive to younger rv'ers. When you read the FMCA magazine letters the editor each month it seems like most of them are recommendations for a place that provides good service. Does the FMCA solicit them as commercial members? but even take it further why can't the FMCA come up with a criteria for a recommended service station based on more than one recommendation and/or perhaps a self inspection check list sent to the service station and issue a wall certificate (suitable for framing by them) good for a year or two. Perhaps they will become a commercial member in return. List them the website but if they wanted an ad or link to their website the FMCA could charge a fee. Also why does the FMCA leave it to Motorhome magazine to list the best of the best motorhomes and equipment. Why not survey the membership and post those results. It is only a survey and written article. The FMCA has to step up and claim it rightful place in the motorhome world if it is truly the largest organization of motor home owners. Nothing here will change if we add towables it only gets bigger and better.
Rallies - Social interactions where you meet people you haven't seen in a while, see new RV's, check out some new products, attend some great seminars, and see some entertainment. This is the model that worked well before the Internet and you look forward to seeing someone at a rally. But look at what is offered and what you can get elsewhere - meet people you haven't seen in a while - social media and the internet made it so people talk to each other often if not daily - Check out new products - no need with the internet and the online reviews - see new RV's - RV shows are everywhere today and the Internet brings all the models and reviews directly to you. attend some great seminars - visited YouTube lately - whatever is broken on an RV someone has made a video how to fix it. and lastly entertainment - you can start with the 200 plus channels on the cable and then the Internet. The rallies need a makeover - I went to one and I figured the next year I would get a reminder - Nope. I figured they didn't need or want me back. They have to have something that makes people want to attend - perhaps in conjunction with another event or festival or big name entertainment. The perceived value figures into rallies also - is it worth my time and money.
Where does it start? in an organization as complex as the FMCA where directors vote and members don't it is hard for a member to understand how things work. I am not even certain how directors get elected. It seems to me that it has a lot to do with chapters which aren't for everyone. Perhaps an explanation of how it works would make a good article in the FMCA magazine. I know members are often asked to make their feeling known to the elected officials and I have sent an email to the President and had the opportunity to speak to him on the phone a while ago before I learned of some of things which I commented earlier and found him cordial. I don't know why the previous Executive Director left but looking at the bio the new one which he put in his column in the magazine it seems that he was hired for his financial abilities not necessarily for leadership of an association. I don't want to be critical of someone I don't know a lot about I am only going on what was in his letter. Shouldn't the FMCA be looking for a leader with experience in running associations to get them out of this slippery slope and to provide them the leadership needed for the future. You would think an elected President / region director (or any elected position) would want to hire a strong executive director to rescue the organization. Our current executive director maybe the right person but members can only go by what is in the magazine.
Lastly I write these comments as more of suggestions than criticism as I've been in a position where people often criticized with out offering suggestions and that is not the way to improve things. Also if any of the information I posted was incorrect please let me know.
Sorry to hear about the unfortunate accident hopefully he gets to the best doctors and gets the best possible rehabilitation. Your story makes a good point about safety. A number of years ago I had a friend who worked with me at the Police Department. For a side job he worked at a funeral home when ever they needed him. To help him with hours the funeral director asked him to do some painting outside. He was on a flat roof no more than 10 foot off the ground to paint a decorative railing where he must have tripped on the railing and fell of the roof. Landed on his head and died of a depressed skull fracture. Two years ago a retired co-worker was snowbirding in Florida while at the RV Park decided to clean the side of his coach. Got up on the second rung of his ladder (no more than 2 feet) and fell. Ended up with a compound fracture of this lower leg just above the ankle. Was in the hospital in Florida, got out came home, did physical therapy at home and ended up getting an infection that lasted almost six months. Safety First is something we all have to keep on remembering . . .
Haynes Family -
I leave gas in my coach all winter but every month I head to the storage area and run the generator for about two hours (so it heats up thoroughly and avoids condensation issues) with a load (usually the heat pump in the a/c) and also every other month I take it around the county for a about an hour drive. Usually the wife and I will pick up lunch and go to the coach - set up the jacks, put the slides out and watch a little TV while waiting for the two hours on the generator. As far as the E-15 issue. In all my trips and we mostly gas up at Pilot's the gas is E-10 really haven't seen E-15. There is a warning on my gas cap that says no E-85 and E15 is acceptable. Concerning the year of your coach the Vin number should tell you if your chassis is the same year as your coach - mine is a 14 chassis on a 15 model year coach. If you don't have a manual they are available here https://owner.ford.com/tools/account/how-tos/owner-manuals/sitemap.html
Additional Full Timers Forums/Clubs
in Full-timing
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In addition to check to checking out this forum regularly I visit http://www.irv2.com/forums/ It has a lot of activity and you can almost get any question answered pretty quickly. irv2 has many forums for make, model, chassis, full timers, trips planning, etc. You name it they have a forum. By adding the Escapees you seem to have all the memberships covered. Escapees is the go to location for full timers. They have an excellent magazine that has many articles devoted to full timing.