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Posts posted by Gbritton

  1. Thank you for the reply. I'm quite sure the step mounting system is at fault. Gary

    I had to repair the steps on my Winnebago. They were spongy for awhile and then failed. A bolt broke leaving the steps held by the actuator arm and one bolt on the step assembly (motor,actuator arm and mounting bracket).

    When I removed the step assembly from the main mounting bracket then I could see the heads of the three bolts. Two were broken at the head. Two had been broken for a long time - there was rust on the bolts where they broke. The one that had just broken had been cracked for some period of time.

    I replaced all four of the bolts and found that the blind holes in the housing were not taped all the way to the bottom of the holes. The bolts were loose when they were screwed all the way in and that allowed enough slop to cause the bolts to break. I did not have a flush tap so I put two washers under the heads of the bolts and I was then able tighten them properly.

    The metal bracket that the step assembly is bolted to and the pivot shaft holding the steps is connected to has been known to have problems. The bolts that mount it to the motor home come in from above. To remove it you would have to remove the bottom internal step. I haven't done that and am not sure exactly how to do it. I would call customer service and ask them if you need to remove it.

    This picture shows the assembly and the main bracket:


    This what the step assembly looks like from the backside:


  2. Gbritton, Welcome to the Forum. If you aren't a member of FMCA yet join now and try some of the chapters in your area. You will meet some great people that have lots to share.

    Your step problem is in the bottom step. You may have more then one problem. The base of your step should be plywood layed on a metal platform. Hopefully only the wood has deteriorated. If so just replace the wood. However your wood may be fine and the metal frame attached to your coach may have broken. You will need a welder. However t :D his can quickly be checked by lifting your coach with the jacks and looking under the step. While under the coach, but not under the step, have someone step on the step and see where it gives. Hope that you are lucky and only find loose bolts.

    Thank you for your reply. I am a member of FMCA and the bolts are all tight. I imagine there is a weld somewhere that broke. I was hoping so get a heads up on where and how I must access the break, without disassembling the entire door frame.


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