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Posts posted by hipcat49er

  1. Thank you for your reply to my post. So far over here I am getting nowhere,

    It's so hard with no name and know no number. I will try and get back before Christmas to the barn and see the people that own the building and try for some more information.

    Were on the bus is the body plate with all the number to I.D. the bus? I did have time the last time I was over and I don't want to get on the wrong side of the people that own the barn.

    Have a Merry Christmas


  2. I would love to John, it's in good shape for it's age inside and out. Paints is gone so a repaint and some restoring to the lights and chrome, as for the engine and running gear i don't know. I just had a look around it and took a few photo's and got talking to the owner of the barn. They have know contact with the person that owns the coach, he used to come and work on it, pay rent and then 5-6 years ago stopped coming around and paying. The coach has been there ever since.

    When I find out more I will keep you updated, but I would love to find out the story of the coach from when it was built to coming over hear.

    Many thanks


  3. I found this 1953 Flxible motorhome in a barn not too far from me. It has been standing for a number of years, not used. Someone had worked on it but never put it back on the road. You may say not much of a story, heard it all before. So have I, but ....

    I live in Northern Ireland and we don't see much of American motorhomes on the small roads.Yes, we have a number of American motorhomes over here and you see them at shows or at the odd campsite. Most of them are parked up at home and only driven once or twice a year.

    The only info I have so far is the membership number. FMCA membership records show that F3237 belonged to Beauregard Hemings from Indianapolis, Ind. He has not been a member since 1978.

    So, when this Flxible was imported to UK or Northern Ireland, I don't know. It was never registered here in our Vehicle Tax Office, and it still has American plates.

    If anybody can help me find out anything about this Flxible motorhome I would be grateful.

    Many thanks.



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