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Posts posted by franlarry

  1. We have the same problem. We were told we need to replace some part or other, but, sorry, I'm not sure what part. We are having it done at Independence RV in FL. in the fall. In the meantime, we are using the burner. We have had problems off and on with the Oasis unit in our 2008 Dutch Star from the start, although we have talked to others who get plenty of hot water when set on just AC 1. We have tried on AC1 and AC1&2, to no avail. If I find out the name of the part, I will post it.

  2. We are at the Tampa RV show and considering buying an electric macerator by Clean Dump. We have a full size washer and we were told we should include a gray water by-pass with our purchase.

    We presently have a water powered macerator that we bought last year and do not use because we do not like the way it operates. We want simple and clean! Also have heard the Sanicon by Thetford was good. Any advice welcome, please! Is one brand better than another? Thanks.

  3. We went from renting, to buying and doing 2 week vacations, to 2 month vacations and so on. We are now full timers and loving it. Our newest coach is a Newmar Dutch Star, but it was a tough choice between the Phaeton and this coach. Tiffin puts out a great product. RVing is a wonderful life style, although it is not a good fit for everyone. There is always a new adventure waiting around the corner, literally. We couldn't want to meet nicer people on the road and FMCA is a must.

  4. We have a 2008 Dutch Star, model 4304, with full size washer.

    Has anyone found a successful product to get rid of oder and mold in a washer?

    I do leave the door open as long as possible after doing a load, but it drives my husband crazy as that blocks space to get by. I also take out the soap dispenser. I try drying around the seal; there are a zillion grooves to get into and very time consuming. Getting into the larger part of the seal is possible, but I am afraid I am going to ruin the fit by pulling the rubber every which way to dry all those areas that I discovered will collect mold. There must be an easier way.

    I have tried sprays and even run an empty cycle with some chlorox. (OOPS! I just read that's bad for the tank).

    Not only does the washer have a musty odor and some dried on black mold spots inside the seal, recently my towels are left with a slight musty smell.

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