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Posts posted by Lundstrom

  1. Hi,

    I know you posted this a long time ago, but we also travel with a Maine coon who wants out!!! We solved this by a two prong attack. First, we got him a harness (kitty holster on Amazon) and we take him for long walks. Sometimes he will walk a hour, which is MY limit. Second, just before bedtime we have an energetic play time. I get him to race around the RV. He loves to blast from the back to the front and back again. I reserve special toys for RV trips, so he gets something unexpected to play with on trips. I reallly work to wear him out before we turn in. He then gets some treats and after treats he curls up for a big bath and bed. AND do NOT declaw (amputate his toes) him. It isn't necessary!!!

  2. Can anyone help. All of a sudden our front AC stopped working. We had been out to lunch with friends. When we returned both front and back ACs were working. We turned on a light and TV and the AC quit. Now the Direct TV box and front AC won't work.

    We have tried flipping the breaker switch and the GFI reset. The TV works and the back AC works, but the front AC does not work. Unfortunately it is 90 degrees here and we really need both ACs.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  3. I know I am a little late for the main part of this discussion. June 2nd this year (2012) we had a major engine failure. We contacted Choice Warranty, our extended warranty company. They demanded to see all our maintenance records since we purchased our motorhome. We provided them with the information and it clearly showed that we had properly maintained it. Then the circus began. They then required our mechanic to provide them with the same information, then required photos of all parts, then required an inspector to visit, then required more photos of the same thing, then required a second opinion from a machine shop, then required an inspector to visit. This all took over two months. We didn't get any resolution until the second week of August(!!!!). They approved a used engine. When our mechanic received the used engine it had apparently been out in the weather as it was rusty. We are still waiting to get our RV back. By the way this engine has a whole 30 day warranty on it and our extended warranty expired the first of November. Now it's too late for me to travel as I teach school and have to be back in the classroom next week. This company tied up our motor home for the entire summer. I would advise anyone considering a extended warrranty company to avoid Choice Warranty!

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