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Posts posted by woodnt

  1. Well, after a lot of soul searching and reading of people's opinions (for which I am grateful) and considering I'm not sure how long we will be keeping the car (might be having some A/C issues, and we really need that here in central TX), we decided to tow with a Demco Kar Kaddy SS. Just picked it up today in New Braunfels, TX. Got a great deal (IMHO). Now, just need to get the motor home (I know, we put the cart before the horse, but it just worked out that way).

    Thanks again,


  2. Hello,

    I am changing to a diesel pusher and already own a PT Cruiser. With the diesel pusher is included a tow bar, but of course, I would have to get a trany lube kit installed, buy base plates, have the wiring hooked up to tail lights. We plan on keeping the cruiser for a while, but might may change our minds, too. In its favor is easy on-off the MH.

    I am also considering using a Demco Kar Kaddy SS on sale now for around $2400. This would require more work to hook and unhook, but has advantages that we can tow other vehicles without modifications.

    I am interested in opinions on which is the best way to go and why you feel that way.



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