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Posts posted by Horsefan

  1. Rich, thanks for the ideas. They sound spot on. I will try them asap. I plan on working with my RV dealer and my mechanic. I have a rear view camera and will have my wife and others watch the toad. I like the idea of a person in the car but I'll have to see if my dealer will do this. I have a stone guard on the motor home but after reading your note am wondering if a stone guard on the tow bar would give any aerodynamic change to the toad that may help.?.? Kind of like a built in brake that may make the toad act better. I don't want to decrease my gas mileage but at this point I would be extremely happy if it would stop the wagging. I just looked at the deflector shields and see that they are almost $500. I would purchase one today if I had a little more confidence it would work. So for starters I'll work on your suggestions. It is a case of the tail wagging the dog and I really want it to stop. I will let you know our progress as it unfolds.



  2. The problem started showing up severely when I was going down hill. It is not as bad but I am (after the adders I had installed) constantly slowly going from the rumble strip to the center of the road. I have the sway even on flat roads. I have been honked at several times by cars going by as they are worried that I may cause them a problem.

    I am currently in the process of purchasing a brake system, my dealer did not tell me I needed one, so I have been looking at them for a purchase this winter while I am not using the motor home. However the only time I do not have an issue is going up hill. It handles fine then, but on flat roads it is a slow sway and down hill more noticeable. I also feel a braking system will help on down hill situations but continue to be puzzled about the flat road situation. That is why I was asking about a bungee cord on the toad steering wheel. I suppose it will not hurt to try it but I need some guidance on how to install one or two of them as I do not want a problem from this also.

    I have driven a motor home for years when I was younger with no issues but we did not tow a car then. Pulled a boat with no issues but again no cars. We then went with a bumper pull trailer for many wonderful years but now at retirement decided to go back to the motor home for convenience.

    Thank very much for your thoughts as this issue has really upset my wife and I as we want very much to enjoy our rig but do not currently.


  3. It does not sway when I turn.

    The initial problem was noted when I was is going down a hill and the coach and car wanted to go all over the road. I thought I was going to end up in the ditch it was swaying so badly. That's when I started to add the improvements noted and will say it is much better but still I get concerned while I pass someone specially a semi-on an interstate or any road for that matter. As to the coach it is a Jayco Melbourne 2012 29D model. I had my mechanic check the Malibu for tire wear but found no unusual wear. The tow-bar has the normal amount of give per the factory. I took a small video of the tow-bar and car and send it to Roadmaster and asked them if the tow-bar seemed factory tight. They indicated this flex is normal for their product. The toad has never been an accident per the dealer and car fax check. We do not load anything in the toad and a shocks are in good shape as a vehicle only has 30,000 miles.

    I will have to ask my local dealer to see if someone has a vehicle I can tow and see if it's handles the same.

    My next attempt was to rent a tow dolly and see if it handles the same or differently. I am waiting for warmer weather to try this. I have spoken to several RV dealers and they all seem not to be able to answer my question. Thanks for your comments looking forward to your thoughts as I try to solve this problem.

    I can attach a photo but do not see how I can do this. Do you know how?


  4. I also am flat towing a 2008 Chev Malibu. My Malibu has the four cyclinder Eco engine with an automatic transmission. I checked with GM that the vehicle is flat towable and they confirmed it is flat towable. I purchased the vehicle used, (motor coach new) last year and had a new Roadmaster Falcon 2 tow bar system installed. My first tow caused me extreme concerns as it moved me all over the road. I went into fix it mode and added heavier sway bars in the front and back, a steering stabilizer on the coach, an extra leaf in the rear spring pack and a Trak bar on the back as well. The extras helped but I still have concerns with the sway from the car. Instead of a rapid swing it is slow but still there. I have spoken to four different owners of the same coach (different model years) flat towing different jeep models with BluOx towing systems and they stated they do not have any problems. They also stated they have not installed any of the "upgrades" I have. Does anyone have a suggestion?

    BluOx "suggests" their tow bar is stronger and has less "wiggle" and leads me to think it "may" sway less. I have not tried the bungie cord on the steering wheel. Do you tie it tight or just a little tension?

    I also just learned my model Mailbu has electric power steering. Does this impact the sway? I had both the motor home and car alignment checked and they are fine.

    I am thinking a tow dolly may be needed, but do not want the extra set of wheels to deal with.


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