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  1. I don't know how many Cherokee owners that tow their vehicles behind their motor homes are on here, but here is what happened to me today. After checking to be sure the wiring harness was delivered to the dealership I arrived for my appointment at 10:00. 3 recalls and the towing issue to be taken care of. I presented all the official FCA paperwork to the service person and all was good until he got to the towing paperwork. Then it was like I had just stepped off a spaceship. I explained the issue and was then directed to the waiting area. A few minutes later another person asks me who installed the tow hitch on my Cherokee. I told him the factory. (Tow package installed) 7 hours later I have 3 recalls done but no FCA authorization to do the TSB fix for the towing issue. Actually no returned call, or email from FCA with authorization after waiting all day! The issue for the dealer is who pays for this fix? The owner, or FCA who built the vehicle and, advertised it as being capable of being flat towed. I told then it was FCA's problem and I wasn't paying for it. Apparently that isn't wanted to hear. Now I get to spend another day in the dealer's waiting room next week hoping to get this issue resolved. By the way, if you haven't heard about this. The directive from FCA is DO NOT TOW your Cherokee until it is fixed.
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