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Posts posted by jscoyle

  1. I joined last summer prior to our first trip. We were given a 1990 Winnebago. We had a wedding to attend and thought what better way to get there, than to take the MH. Well, were we in for a ride. The plan was to get it road ready in early summer so we could take it out a few times before heading out. A problem with the power steering pump kept the MH in the shop nearly up to the time we left. We headed out the Friday before Labor Day 2012. Did I mention we live in eastern PA, and the wedding was in the Seattle area? Did I also mention we have seven children? Those are not important to the adventure, but the do add to the excitement. On our trip west we had 6 blowouts. Yes, I was stupid to believe that just because the tires LOOKED good, they must be fine. We dealt with each, got to see the goodness in total strangers, and looked for silver linings--which were around ever breathtaking turn we took. I had a total stranger give me his car to go pick up tires that were about 100 miles away. I had another allow the use of his tools and knowledge. After the work was done he gave my children a tour of his horse ranch (the highlight of the trip for a few of my daughters). After two blowouts in one day in North Dakota (one of which took out the shower drain), our trip was smooth sailing. We truly have a beautiful country.

    All needed repairs were made in Seattle, once again we were on the road. The first night we blew a hose in Pendleton,OR. It happened to be during the 3rd largest rodeo in North America. Well, we spent the better part of the next day getting the repairs completed. The next six days were the best days we have ever had as a family. We were able to see Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Wall Drug, one of the Ingalls Homesteads, as well as many impromptu stops along the way.

    I doubt we will ever have such an adventure, but we all love the RV!

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