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Posts posted by Jaimepoulin1

  1. Hi,

    I have a 2002 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Class A.

    Recently, in the last few days, my toilet starts to "burp" when I flush. After a couple of times, I can see that the down spout is starting to fill.

    I plunge and all is good but a day or so later I have to do it again. There are just 2 of us on the coach. We have been full timing for just under a couple of months. I always drain the septic when it gets to a quarter. Usually this is about once a week. I probably am guilty of not using enough water.....

    Any thoughts on how to clear this?



  2. Bill,

    Thanks for the input. It doesn't usually cross my mind that it could be something other than my coach.

    I did call maintenance, and kudos to them, they were there in 3 minutes.

    Turns out it was indeed a 50 amp breaker on the park side that was going south......

    They replaced it and no problem for a couple of days since.....

    I do appreciate your direction!

  3. I searched around the forums a bit, but did not see this particular issue.

    We have been staying at Ocean lakes in MB, SC for ten days or so, and using the 50 amp service here. All has been good. Last night around midnight my wife woke me and told me we had no power. I went out to check. The breakers at the pole were good, but there were no voltage readings on the EMS. I have a 2002 Newmar Dutch Star Coach with a Cummins diesel pusher. It is equipped with both an EMS and a transfer module.

    I disconnected and reconnected several times. Each time the EMS would "try" to kick in and the coach lights would flicker but it would not stay up.

    On a hunch, I connected my 30 amp adapter and switched over to 30. The power immediately came back on line.

    This morning I reconnected the 50 and although the ems and transfer module groaned a bit, I do now have good clean power on the coach at 50 amps.

    Has anyone seen anything like this?



  4. Hi everyone!

    You guys are always so helpful so I thought I would ask ....

    For the Month of November Michelle and I are staying at Lake Norman RV park in Sherrills Ford, but it is a bit much for her drive to the office in Charlotte. She will be retiring at the end of Nov. so we just need to be near. Lake Norman is a good 50 minute drive.

    The only decent looking website I found was for Elmore RV park, which is supposedly in the center of Charlotte.

    Have any of you stayed there and if so what do you think?

    Also, if you have any other suggestions, I would love to hear them.



  5. We are relatively new to the coach world. Our Dream is to see The United States of America on it.....We dubbed it "America" and had that put on our license plate.......

    Miss Lueffies owner is correct. We just started our first journey on a Friday with both Michelle and a girlfriend of hers aboard. We were headed to North Carolina.....we did get there.....on the following Tuesday. Spent a couple of nights at Candy Land in Winchester Virginia with a busted air leveling system courtesy of I-84 in PA. That and a new front tire for about 1200 bucks and we were on our way.......

    Herman- we had unfair winds and in your face seas!!!!

    Life is good!

  6. Regarding the gauge, I am not sure. I am not there to look. If this helps it is a standard thick black cable.

    Michelle hooked it back up on a break from work today and it has been humming along nicely since. All appliances are humming along nicely now. Or at least the heater is.

    The condition of the plug ends is good, no melted plastic, hot spots or corrosion. I honestly am thinking it is just due to the length of the extension, the relatively low service at 20 amps, and the basic draw of being plugged in and powering minor systems. The Battery is reading fully charged and the readout says 13.1 for now.

    I suggested to Michelle that when she retires for the evening, unplug the shore power, and let the furnace fans run on batteries overnight. Plug it back in in the morning.

    Thanks again!

  7. One of my challenges frankly not stated earlier is that I am in Tennessee and the Coach is in Maine, so I am relaying this info through Michelle.

    I did talk to my Awesome RV service provider, Mountain Road RV in Sabattus Me and they said it is most likely due to the fact that I am using a 20 amp service and an extension cable. The bus is about 35 feet away from the power pole. Over time, the heat builds up and kills the service. Michelle is going to check for corrosion and melting around the prongs of the extension. Also, the refrigerator is running off electric as opposed to gas so she is hitting the button on that to reduce the load. Hopefully this will not require replacement of any components. When I checked the voltage of the battery the coach had been running the furnace all night off just the coach batteries so I am not surprised there was a discharge. When she was able to get power it came back up to 13- 13.1

    I hope she will be okay. If not, she can rough it for another couple of days till I get home. Not Ideal but a learning process certainly.

    Thanks for your help. Does this sound plausible to you?


  8. I am plugged in to a 20 amp service for shore power. I am using a standard 30 amp plug.

    The first day we had no problems for about a 30 hour period. In the middle of the following night we lost power. It was out for several hours. In the morning I switched park pole outlets to plug in to and that seemed to take care of it. There is no visible breaker on the pole.

    All went good for about another 16 hours until about 4 o'clock this morning. I went to the main power pole outside (supply side) and switched again and the coach "tried" to power up. the lights flickered a few times then nothing. ten minutes or so later with no tinkering it "tried" to power up again, but nothing.

    This is confusing as everything seems to be good. I could only think that there might be some overnight condensation on the connections but all seems to be dry.

    Any ideas?

  9. Well Yolanda,

    We are now about ten days from our departure time and everything is pretty much in place. This has been one of the most wonderful and also very hard things that Michelle and I have ever done, and not without it's frustrations. But all in all I wouldn't change a thing. Sometimes you just have to follow your dream.

    I do write in the blogs if you want to catch up and I will be posting a lot more, hopefully soon. I try to keep them humorous and light but also educational....I hope someone gets a little help from them.

    What is your story?


  10. Hi Everyone!

    I posted a while back, Michelle and I are getting ready to full time it around the country for the next few months or few decades, whichever works out best!

    Our challenge is that we will not be ready to leave until around the 5th of November. All of the local campgrounds in the area post that they shut down on the 13th of October or thereabouts.....

    Has anyone had any success asking a park to let them stay past "closing" time?

    We do have a couple of other options, a couple of friends with electrical hook ups at bare minimum but do not want to be a bother.

    Any advice would be most appreciated!


  11. Again, thanks for all the good advice and wishes!!!!!

    We are definitely moving forward!!! This past wednesday we traded in our 2012 Murano and bought a New Jeep Wrangler to tow.

    We are fortunate to have made an alliance with the same Service Center that the previous owner of our coach used and they have reinforced our good feelings about this purchase.

    The house is going up on the market in a few days and we are comfortable that it will sell quickly. We are not going for every dollar we can get and will sell it at a price that should make it go quickly!

    We have decided on our first destination... and it will be the Napa area of California. Gonna be quite a trek as we will be starting this journey from Maine. It would be hard to pick somewhere that was farther away!!! I would like the trip to take a month to a month and a half, it will really depend on when we are able to leave....We need to make sure the kids are settled and the house is cleared away. Right now, our target is mid November.

    Some of your replies to this thread have been quite humorous! Bill Baldwin and I must share the same appreciation for laughs as he literally made me laugh loudly when I read his brief but spot on post.

    I am really enjoying you motor-homers....seem like a good group! Michelle and I are so looking forward to good times, fresh air, new friends, and the adventure of it all!

  12. Thanks Everyone!

    Reading just these few replies have given Michelle and I a little greater sense of comfort around our decision. Today we are buying a Jeep Wrangler to tow behind our MH.

    Can't wait to get out there and visit all the great areas of our country and meet the wonderful people that already enjoy this lifestyle!

  13. Hi, everyone,

    I have been following FMCA Motorhome forums only a couple of months, but I spend a lot of time here reading all of your posts.

    My wife and I have taken a very straight path to motorhoming full time.....a little more than a couple of months ago the thought had never crossed our minds but today, we are the proud owners of a 2002 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Class A diesel pusher, the house is on the market, the Murano is getting traded for a 4 door Wrangler, and we hope to hit the road toward the end of November....

    Although we did not rent a motorhome for a few days, we did do a ton of research. We looked at A, B and C class homes and we momentarily flirted with the idea of a fifth-wheel. New Motor homes are expensive and depreciate rapidly. In the event we don't enjoy this new life, we would suffer a huge financial hit. And contrary to normal logic, everyone seems to say that new ones have a lot more bugs in general than old ones. After scanning the country for about a month, our parents notified us that they had some friends who were retiring from the motor home life and selling their Newmar. One look, (and another one done by a professional), and we knew that it was meant to be.....

    So here we are on the precipice, ready to do it, and we find ourselves wondering if it was all too quick.

    Traditionally, we are not impulsive people. I am in my late 40s and my wife is finishing a 20+ year career that she has become eligible to retire from. I work as a consultant/trainer around the country, so we are not bound to a specific area. We have know that her retirement and "next" career choice were coming down the pike for quite some time, so her leaving her position is OK. But again, Retire, sell your home, uproot from the area, and go live in a motor home ALL AT ONCE has become a little overwhelming.....

    Knowing us, we will probably still do it.....We keep looking at the positives and are careful not to minimize the negatives........

    I would be curious to hear your thoughts about our plan......and if anyone else has a similar story to tell after having done it for a while.....

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