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Posts posted by rideart

  1. My wife & I have been fulltiming for over 6 years and have always used DeLorne Streets Atlas. In '03 we were plotting a route to Prince Edward Island from Cape Cod and found this version did not cover Canada. I then plotted out route with Microsofts Streets & Trips without GPS. Everything worked the rest of our trip to the West coast, Northern route, back to Florida via California.

    I only update with a newer version when we take a long trip. Up the East coast to Newfoundland it worked great except for the computer screen showed us driving out in the water when close to shoreline. This wasn't really bothersome since we knew we weren't in the water.

    Our next trip was to Alaska in '06, DeLorme never failed us. I would always check the route with MS Streets & Trips to make sure I liked the route. All roads in Canada and Alaska were shown on our computer screen.

    I have installed DeLormes latest version, 2009, and it's working great on our present trip to FMCA rallies East of the Mississippi. From the FMCA Convention in Bowling Green, we'll be headed to Pine Cone Rd. in Picture Rock, PA. I don't know of another GPS system that could find this.

    Good luck

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