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Posts posted by Spruijt

  1. Hello Jaime,

    We will sure read your blogs. We are from Holland and we have just bought our first RV which is American, a Cobra Monterey. Searching the net I found this website which is very interesting for us. There are not so many American campers in Holland but with this site we can learn something from American people with RV's which is very nice. If you look at our topic right behind yours "hi there, were new" you can read some more and see a picture. As I understand it is possible quite easy to go and live in an RV permanently in America and that seems a very nice possibility to me. In Holland it would not be possible to do that very easily I think although Rien and I dream about it sometimes when we talk about what we would want to do after retiring which will take place about 13 years from now :)

    But to start with we will go on holiday and weekends and explore Europe which we look forward to.

    Have a great time Jaime and Michelle!

  2. Thanx for a warm welcome on your forum!

    Dianne and Brett: We are both working (54 and 57 years old) so we will use the camper on weekend and holiday trips in Europe. For instance Germany is a country with lots of places especially for campers to spend the night. Also in Holland there are such places, varying from a place on a parking place to a beautiful place with water and electricity and so on. The thing we like is the freedom you have when you have your own place with you all the time. Rien likes to go carp fishing so we will find places to do that. We have friends in the Czech Republic that we want to visit, and in CZ are nice places for carp fishing. So there are many plans but to start with we will clean the camper and make it ours by looking what to take with us and were to store everything. It is getting winter here and we think we will start using it in springtime, then we will have all the time that is needed to learn about all the things that are in the camper and how they work. We want to have the LPG unit controlled since it is as old as the vehicle (1995) and also the engine airco doesn't work properly. Rien knows quite a bit about technics and together we like to try to fix things.

    Tom and Louise: I'll tell about our experiences and I sure would like to know about yours in the USA. We have some friends were going to meet in a while who have been to America on a camper holiday. We will ask them about there experiences, we allready saw some things on Facebook about it, and what we saw was that the camperplaces were very big!

    Herman: the camper was build in the USA and brought to Belgium without electrical equipment, which was build in in Belgium. The first owner had been to America on holiday, saw a Cobra camper there and ordered one, now that's courageous ain't it. Rien has always been crazy about American cars, had a Cadillac. So an American camper was our dream.

    In the weekend I will take some pictures and post them.

    Sorry if my English is not how it should be! Yolanda

  3. Hello everyone, we are Rien and Yolanda Spruijt from the Netherlands, and we just bought out first camper which is a Cobra Monterrey.

    We bought it from the first owner who was a member of FMCA, the member plate is on the camper with nr 141985. He bought the camper in the USA in 1995 and had it transported to Belgium and then to Holland. We are very pleased to go on holiday with it!

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