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Posts posted by DCRCLR@gmail.com

  1. In March 2000 I had the Banks System with Transcommand installed on my 1999 National RV Dolphin on a Ford V-10. Although I was told not to expect any change in my mpg (at that time Banks was saying there probably would be no change) I did have an increase in mpg. The increase in power was great....on hills where I normally spent a good deal of time in first gear, I was now able to stay in third gear 80% of the time. On smaller hills where I would have to go out of overdrive before Banks, the MH would now stay in overdrive. The power alone was well worth the money and the increase in mileage was a plus. I have traveled in my Dolphin to all of the lower 48 states as well as all but the two middle provinces of Canada so I feel that my Banks System was given a good testing. To this day I still have no complaints about the cost or the performance. I feel the unit has more than paid for itself.

    Chris R.

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