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  1. frankbibber


    I have 92 safari diesel pusher can I use car battery or do I need deep cycle
  2. This is my third request. Does anyone know where the water pump is located in a 1992 Safari Serengetti diesel pusher? Also, does anyone have wiring diagrams for this coach? I bought this used and it needs to be totally remodeled inside. I would like to hear from someone PLEASE!
  3. I have a 92 Safari Serengetti and cannot locate this water pump. Where is the water pump located?
  4. We recently purchased a 1992 Serengeti that the previous owner gutted out and took all the wires off and they are just hanging on the ceiling. I have no schematic for this and would like to hear from anyone who either has one or could offer help. I am capable of doing the work but need to know where they go...a schematic would help a lot. Thanks for help from anyone out there. Also, does anyone know where the spare tire goes...can't seem to find a place for that either. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help. Frank Bibber
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