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Posts posted by lcgilder

  1. I recently purchased a 2005 Winnebago Adventurer from a dealer. I drove several hours away to evaluate the coach prior to purchase, however I arrived after hours on the evening of inspection and had to spend the night in the town where it was located. I decided to ride over to the lot that night to take a look in person, because so far all I had seen was internet pics.

    I noticed a piece of masking tape that seemed to be holding the middle rubber seal on between the windshields as if it were re-glued or something. I asked the sales guy the next day about it, and he said that the strip had to be re-glued. At that time I had no idea of this massive problem with Winnebago windshields.

    The coach checked out and I bought it and took it home. After a couple of days I decided to wash it. It looked like it was raining inside of the passenger windshield. I ran in and checked it out. I removed the inside plastic panels to get a better look at the upper passenger windshield. There I found where the water was coming from and a little rust.

    That night I searched the RV forums for the topic of leaking Winnebago windshields and was abhorred at what I saw. There is a never ending pool of information out there on the net. So I ended up taking the rubber molding off the exterior upper windshield, and sure enough, I found rust and water. I was shocked. To prevent any further injury to the coach because we are expecting rain, I wire brushed the rust spots and treated with an anti-corrosive, then I sealed with a Black Marine RTV all the way across. I am going to let it cure for 48 hours and leak check it. I cannot help but wonder what kind of rust is above that windshield in the front cap.

    I am hoping that this fixes the leak, but I know that the inevitable is coming, which is to remove the windshields, grind off the rust, prime the metal, and new windshields. I intend to call the dealer tomorrow. This is something that they had to have known about, especially for having the coach on the lot since December. Anyone's thoughts or similar problems on this?

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