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  1. This chassis air is not getting cold. I am wondering if I can use a do-it-yourself arisol can of refegerant to recharge the system? Is it a good idea? Thanks for ideas.
  2. Thanks for the tip. I will try that and let you know if I am successful!
  3. I have a 2002 HR Ambassador with a Cummins 315 ISC Engine. The coolant reserve tank has cracks in it and slo-o-oly leaks the coolant. I have tried to put 2 different coatings on the outside of the tank with no luck. They both cracked off. I tried to get a new tank from Monaco (HR) and they like them very very much (almost $200) for a nylon tank) and they were out of stock! Does anyone know how I can either fix this one or where I can obtain a replacement? I would appreciate any suggestion you could offer.
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