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  1. Thanks for the responses. hermanmullins, that is exactly what I am looking for: guidance from RV owners so we can come up with something that will be acceptable. We are in the process of gathering information from RV owners here in the park but I am hoping that others, namely those on this forum, have other ideas as to how an RV can be objectively (as possible) evaluated. Other than RVIA certified technicians, does anyone know of organizations that have guidelines for evaluating RVs? Thanks.
  2. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I guess I wasn't clear. I am a representative of the HOA and am looking for some standard we can adhere to so we can allow older RVs into our park. We are trying to come up with an unbiased (or as unbiased as possible) way in which we can evaluate older RVs. Safety is our concern but so is appearance. I have learned that RVIA certifies technicians and they may be helpful in assuring the integrity of the systems. Does anyone know of standard methods of evaluation for areas that an RVIA tech may not cover? Thanks.
  3. Hello All, My Florida homeowners association does not permit motor coaches that are older than 15 years. But some coaches are beautiful and in great shape well beyond that limit. I have a few questions related to this. Is there some standard, legal wording to exempt vintage motor homes from this restriction? Is there and outside, unbiased review agency or process that can conduct inspections of motor homes to document they are still safe? Any help would be appreciated.
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