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  1. Hi, Im relatively new to the FMCA. I own an older class A motorcoach. It is a 95 Monaco Dynasty with a Cummins C8.3-300 mechanical engine. Recently on a trip home to Connecticut from New Hampshire, I lost all my turbo boost. Downhill and on the flats I could cruise at speed. But hit even the slightest uphill slope and the speed dropped drastically. I think I upset a lot of folks that day. What a long trip home that turned out to be. When I got home I researched what might be a cause. Being a very mechanical person, I quickly grasped what I was reading. Based on my coaches symptoms and the information I read, as a starting point, I decided to remove the wastegate actuator and bench test it. It turned out that the diaghram was ruptured and leaking very heavily right out where the actuator rod comes out. So I contacted Cummins parts and ordered a new replacement. Today I installed it exactly as described by the Cummins directions being sure to get the preset correct. Yea!!! I have boost again. This brings me to my topic. While researching my problem, I read a few peoples comments on ways to increase turbo boost by making slight adjustments to the actuator rods linkage. Has anyone tried this? If so, what was the outcome? was it worth doing? Right now going up a decent hill not pulling anything behind me. I'm seeing around 20 - 22 lbs. of boost. I've heard people say to stay away from the 30's. may cause problems. I would like to see close to maybe 28. Any advise, suggestions, would be great. Thanks, Mike
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