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  1. Concentrating on what CAN be done and not focusing on "disappointments".... I also got one of the early misprogrammed Sprint/Franklin hotspots. Left a short question on FMCA at night, got a phone call at 9 AM the next morning, had a new device two days later. Problem was Sprint, not FMCA who handled it superbly! I was running a test against a newly programmed T-Mobile 4g hotspot side by side. Sprint download @ 30+ Mbps vs approx 16-19 for T-Mobile. Cx'd the T-Mobile hotspot yesterday, also because of their data caps. Plugged the FMCA Sprint unit into the USB port on my Roku 3. Have full access to all the channels, and the hotspot stays charged. Watch movies, and surf on the phone at the same time. Next step is to link my home network to the hotspot. Have to order a bridge to do that. I have a ClearSounds "super phone" for my wife who has low vision issues, that will work with our Ooma VoIP if I can get the home network linked to the hotspot. I already cx'd the outrageously priced DSL line I had with AT&T. For me, the uncapped, unthrottled, non-contractual FMCA is great. Monthly cost is already a wash. Best part, though, is that we go on a trip, take the hotspot and the Roku in the coach, and it's just like home. Have a satellite dish in there, too. Another idea for those with limits on call time or texting or data on their cellphone, just link to the hotspot to save minutes on the cell. I'm not affiliated with any entities mentioned, and I avoid social media. I try to be a "submarine" as much as possible. I know there are creative members whose glass is half full who can come up with even better uses. I want to try those, too.
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