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  1. New to motor-homing! We purchased a 2007 Newmar Mountain Aire Diesel Pusher and I am getting a stacker trailer built to haul my race cars/passenger car, etc. The total length of the set up will be 72' (45' pusher, 27' total length stacker-22' box). I am registered in AZ where the max. length is 65'. Everyone tells me it is no big deal to be over - just go the speed limit and stay in the right lane. Weights are fine (part of the reason we got the Newmar - 15,000# hitch/tow weight). But I have also heard horror stories where people have had to unhook and hire a CDL driver to tow the trailer back. My question is - do I/should I get a CDL license - will that alleviate the over length issue? Thanks in advance for all the help! Ricky
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