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Posts posted by davis@olympus.net

  1. Hi guys,

    I'm a sailor too. (sailboats) I purchased a Garmin Nuvi 260. I thought the size of screen was important but have learned I usually just listen to the voice telling me where and when to turn. I use the screen the night before in my planning along with an Atlas and other planning devises. I normally will choose three destinations when I am trying to make time so I have alternatives in the event I want to stop early or later in the day. The navigator helps me find fuel, places to eat and even RV centers if I know the name. After 8000 miles with the unit, I've only been confused once and then I re-entered the address and the second time it took me the three blocks it hadn't been able to figure out the first time.

    The maps are only as good as the information the time the unit is purchased so make certain the unit you buy can be up-dated. My daughter bought a Tom tom and constantly borrows my Garmin because she thinks it routs her better when she is hauling with the big horse trailer. I'd like to try out the new 465T but for my money the 260 was a steal at Costco for $149.00 a little over 2 years ago. Doesn't have traffic but I have a radio and once I detour, it always catches up to keep me current. Best invention ever!

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