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Posts posted by DIAMONDS

  1. I have a 2006 gas-powered Fleetwod Pace Arrow with the Workhorse chassis. The problem I have is on the full slideout. The fridge is on this side, and when I put the slide in all the way it blows the 12-volt fuse for the fridge and lights on the slide side.

    I know that as the slide comes all the way in there is a short somewhere with the slide. When a new fuse is in and the slide is out, everthing works fine. But moving the slide in and stopping it 1 or 2 inches out, it's okay. Move it in all the way and ... bang, the fuse blows.

    Any ideas on what I can do before taking it in for service? They told me it could take hours to find (costing big bucks). Has this happedend to anyone else, and what did they do to fix it? Thank you.

  2. Welcome to the FMCA Forum.

    When asking a mechanical question, it helps state what chassis you have. Since you specifically mention "grade brake" I assume you have a Workhorse chassis.

    Yes, it is a workhorse, so would you always drive with the overdrive on all the time or only in mountain areas? I dont now if this is true; others told me you get less MPG when you use O/D.

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