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  1. For anyone interested Couch.net (https://coach-net.com/247-protect-2/) is the only road side assistance that I have found that will not leave you hanging if you do not have a spare tire. All of the others only provide assistance with changing a spare. They will bring out a comparable tire to at least get you towed into a repair facility.
  2. Thanks everyone for the good input. None of them I researched (so far) actually come out and repair the tire. They will help you change a tire. I find this interesting since most class A's do not come with a spare anymore (that I know of). That being said I tend to agree with self sufficiency. I switched from 30 years of cruising sailboats to RVing a few years ago and got complacent with roadside assistance insurance. I will always have the tools to remove the tire(s) and take them to a shop myself. Or even better, find a spare and find a place to stow it. Thanks again.
  3. Hi All, I am looking for the best roadside assistance insurance company. Not the cheapest. I have been with Progressive since 2012 and had two good experiences with them. But they left me high and dry on interstate 95 in Georgia on 10/1/21. Both right rear tires blew simultaneously (18 month old tires). We called Progressive and were told help was on the way. They actually wanted to tow it even though we told them it cannot be towed, we need them fixed. And they asked us who they should call! But the sad part was, we had to call three times and start the claim over each time, losing almost five hours before they told us we were on our own and they could not help us. Luckily we found a commercial tire company that came out and changed both tires. So my question is who is the best? If Progressive cannot send someone out to fix flat tires, I cannot use them.
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