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Posts posted by aull

  1. Thank you for your Stories and advice everyone!

    Have used Honda gennies a lot for location AC in our business and made (HA!) the assumption that, well, ALL gens should act like that. The Onan was (literally) a big Wake Up.

    Onan dealer here wants $260 just to start a diagnosis (and perhaps apply to further repair?) so I guess I may have to bite the bullet to see if we can at least mitigate this somewhat.

    Who knew?



  2. Hey everyone. My first post.

    Bought a near-new (25K mi) 99 Thor Hurricane 30ftr last fall, here in Alaska.

    Never owned an RV with an on-board gen before. Its an Onan, which seems to be the go-to brand.

    Looks like (looking at manual, not actual unit, which is in storage) a BGE Emerald 4K

    It has about 60 hrs on it, and looks like new (it is the original unit for 1999). I changed the oil and filters and it starts right up and runs "fine".

    Have run it for several hours at various intervals, with and without loads (AC), per manual.

    So. About "fine". It is VERY noisy, and the whole RV shakes/vibrates while it is running! This CAN'T be right. Can it? Were these things this bad in the late 90s?

    I mean, I would not DARE run this in an RV Park. We would be tarred-and-feathered.

    Having our RV shop check it out, and there is an Onan/Cummings service center in Town. But I need some sort of baseline idea of how these should actually be working.

    Thanks in advance!

    Stu - Alaska

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