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  1. My dash radio in my Itasca Suncruiser 2004 has quit. Anyone know where to find one that will fit into the dash where the old one is? Looking for AM/FM with CD and an input for an IPOD. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. Mine is the Shurflo 5.7 and have used the filter and screen that comes with it. I have heard that they have problems with these pumps. I have even installed another filter before the pump and the filter is clean all the time. I have friends that have had the same water pump for 6 and seven years, leave it on when they are traveling, when we are tailgating, etc. The only time they turn it off is when they have it parked for a period of time in their driveways and they are not using it. Looking for a different setup.
  3. We have a 2004 Itasca Suncruiser that we have owned for 3 years. I have replaced the water pump 3 times. After about 6 months or so the pump fails to shut off after the faucets are closed. Shurflo has replaced the pumps, after the initial one(3 yr warranty), but it's the hassle. They have told me not to leave the pump switch on...we have an ice maker...everyone I know leaves their pumps on when they are camping. I have found no leaks in the system...anyone out there have any ideas...please respond
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