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Posts posted by wjell

  1. 10 hours ago, wolfe10 said:

    Actually, no one at FMCA changed the title or added exclamation points other than deleting the first two words (expletives).

    The rest of the title (including exclamations points) is pure Boundertom.

    Those of you who have been on this (or any other forum for that matter) for any period of time, know that merging two or more threads on the exact same topic is not seamless, but much better than the same conversation going on in 2 or more places simultaneously.

    BTW, I would be quite happy to give up the thankless job of moderator.  Gentlemen (and ladies) POST AWAY.

    I can understand that. Being a moderator in the best of circumstances is a thankless job that can drive one to drink. I salute you. 

  2. I see that Verizon has taken the appropriate action against FMCA who was scamming them and FMCA members by signing up the general public for FMCA's enrichment. I can only hope that the State of Ohio will investigate FMCA and pull their corporate designation, That is what happens to crooks. Sorry "FMCA cheerleaders" the Emperor's cloaks were not opaque. All is revealed on the Internet for what it is. And so are you.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Boundertom said:

    Herman, I wish I had your confidence that it will be worked out. I would say the chances of that are slim and none. Us lowly members will never know the terms of the agreement between FMCA and Verizon. We can be pretty darn certain that this agreement was predicated on FMCA (as a non-profit organization) selling data plans to members. And to be a member, you MUST own a motorcoach. Did FMCA make a good faith effort to comply with that? NO! I personally know someone who joined and signed up for the data plan, but does not own a motorcoach. This is done. I will get over it. I have had data service from Verizon for about as many years as it has been available. I would have liked to had this excellent deal, but FMCA's greed and/or incompetence ruined it for their legitimate members.

    Therein lies the truth. The FMCA "cheerleaders" care nothing about the truth. This was a scam, plain and simple. Verizon gets it. What FMCA  doesn't realize is that webpages and emails don't "vanish" when you delete them. They still are there. That will be their downfall.

    When and if the the appropriate governmental bodies look into this, FMCA is going to have some big problems. Like violating their charter and bylaws for the sake of perpetuating this scam? Since I'm 100% in my predictions so far, I'll go out on a limb. I predict in the next two weeks (or less) FMCA will start throwing people under the bus (is that a "legal" FMCA bus?) to save itself. Look for the E.D. to be the one of the first.

  4. 47 minutes ago, Boundertom said:

    Thanks Larry. And your position at FMCA is what, exactly? That might be a good thing to put in your signature.

    Of course, FMCA is blameless in this. It is that evil Verizon to blame. (That was sarcasm) I am only about 99.5% sure that Verizon pulled the plug because FMCA was selling memberships and data plans to anyone who called in with a credit card number. Will FMCA ever admit that they messed up big time? Probably not. This is disgraceful.  But, I see that there are a few FMCA fanboys aboard who can see that FMCA does nothing wrong. "Just wait, everything will be fine." What I see, is my membership of 35 years coming to an end. They have nothing of substance to offer me any longer. This disgraceful display of incompetent management just sealed the deal.


  5. 1 hour ago, spuds said:

    Many of us do not have a lot of posts in the FMCA forum because there is not something here specific to our interests that we aren't already discussing on a forum elsewhere.

    The FMCA Verizon data offering is/was specific to this board, hence we came here to discuss it and that is where the majority of our posts are.

    I would not insinuate something about a poster solely because this is the primary topic they have posted in.


    THANK YOU for your understanding!

  6. 53 minutes ago, wolfe10 said:

    Wow.  And 13 or your total of 14 posts on the FMCA Forum are on this thread.

    Go to the Attorney General before even listening to how FMCA staff are offering to handle this??????????

    Again Wow.

    I would not be as adamant on this subject IF I did not feel that I was strung along by FMCA. FMCA has taken the tact that, "nothing to fear" we are working this out, as it sunk lower and lower in the realm of possibility. That is NOT leadership that is spin. I want TRUTH not SPIN! 

  7. 47 minutes ago, larrypennington said:


    As you may have heard, FMCA had been working with Verizon to offer a special rate on an unlimited wireless data plan. After the “soft launch” of this plan to a test group of FMCA members (before the planned launch to all members), Verizon called FMCA and told us to pull the offering. Verizon officials indicated that they will not be honoring any of the orders that had been entered during this test period. We are still working to see whether FMCA and Verizon can put together an advantageous plan for FMCA members, but at this point we are not certain what will result from discussions with Verizon officials.

    IF... IF... IF... this is true, this is exactly what I have been predicting for the last 4 days. It's OmniLynx EXACTLY, all over again.

  8. 1 hour ago, rossboyer said:

    I did go to the link you posted. At the top it states that it was posted by Chris Dunphk not Chris Smith. The article goes on to say that a person could sign up without a motor home.  


    Maybe we should all rethink about this issue. If this benefit brings in new members, why would we need to open membership to all RVs?  Why not look at the positives instead of being critical of the organization when one of the 5000 released the information prematurely not the FMCA Staff. 

    I was present when this benefit was discussed at the May Executive Board meeting, but I didn't go out and blast the world to create a nightmare for the staff. Testing the system by announcing to 5000 is good not negative. Those 5000 were current members, so the announcement did go to the membership. It was one of those that caused this issue. 

    I can almost guarantee the Verizon will not stand for this plan being offered to the general public (GENERAL PUBLIC = THAT DOES NOT OWN A MOTORCOACH but is willing to spend $50/$60 to get this GREAT data deal and a free hotspot) Google " Omnilynx Verizon " and see how long that lasted before Verizon shut it down. EXACT same thing here except for the $50/$60 "membership fee".

    Where the 5,000 members given the level of details described in the "FMCA Plan Questions" in the article? Did you see that Chris Dunphk spoke and emailed back and forth with Chris Smith? I suggest you might want to re-read the article more closely.

    This no longer has a single thing do to with motorcoachs or RV's. It is all about a " a secret way to get unlimited Verizon hotspot data for $50 a month " and there were over 10,000 links about it the last time I looked. This was going to happen "leak" or "no leak". This is the "wired world" we live in today. The only thing that could have prevented it was if FMCA held to their rules of motorcoach ownership and would verify same. Otherwise, "Katy bar the door". 

    Unless I'm wrong, (and I often am) there is a PR disaster unfolding here.

  9. 1 hour ago, manholt said:

    Chris sent an email direct to rvmobil, June 13,15 and 16, 2017...Ross, all you got to do is click on Link.

    Tom, yeah.  I know the feeling and also, why do this a month before the very important voting in Indy? 

    If you read the article, it mentions at least one phone call. Also, the completeness of the information (details in FMCA Plan Questions) about the benefit goes far beyond what was on the FMCA website. The details had to come from someone "in the know". 

  10. 46 minutes ago, BillAdams said:

    Did FMCA check to see if YOU actually had an RV?  You write anything you like in the blank boxes and you are a member.  Everyone in the Country is about to become a brand new RVer!

    If you are asking me, I don't remember. It was over a year ago when I joined.
    " Everyone in the Country is about to become a brand new RVer! ". Yup, even if they don't actually own a motorcoach or any kind of RV. Talk about diluting the membership and the brand!

  11. 1 hour ago, rpelatt said:

    So, I'm curious, I just looked at the application form and it clearly asks for the year, make, and model of your coach. Did these people falsely make up that information in order to get past that requirement? Or is FMCA now allowing that part of the application to be left blank and still award membership?


    I wanted to let the guy answer so he didn't feel like a criminal. He seemed pretty honest. His statement,"We are a couple that has had a longtime interest in rvs and are finally pulling the trigger this year" makes it sound like he may not even be a RV owner yet. 

    It also sounds like he signed up over the phone. If FMCA never asked him, it certainly was not his fault.

    Some of the Internet "unlimited data plan" forums have said that FMCA was not even checking to see if the potential new member even owned a RV, let alone a motorcoach. Is it true? Who knows. Lots of questions remain unanswered. 

  12. Again, if you have a webpage that is exposed to the World Wide Web it's going to be discovered and published to the search engines via web crawlers (also known as a web spiders or web robots). The way to prevent this from happening is to go ahead and create the page but NOT expose it to the World Wide Web until you are ready. Once it is found, it is impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.

    I read in the FB rvmobilinternet group that they briefed their members that this was coming a month ago. What happened was entirely predictable by anyone who has expertise in this field. Even howardforums contain posts that say, go ahead and join even if you don't own an RV, how are they going to find out, this is as great deal! How's that for a ideal new member to the organization?

    So without being a mouse in the room or a fly on the wall during FMCA/Verizon meetings very few people will know the "truth". Now we wait and see if it will survive.

    BTW, the URL to that page was " join.fmca.com/fmca-verizon-benefit/ " - if that provides you with any insight

  13. 49 minutes ago, BillAdams said:

    I rarely defend FMCA (or anyone for that matter) but let's get real here.  FMCA did what was meant to be a test market with an offer send to 5000 FMCA members (should have been me as well but then I already mentioned I don't often defend FMCA) to test the waters.  Just like the posts awhile back that "leaked" info about this plan, someone in the test group sent the info to Technomadia and they published it for all the World to see.  This was never the plan and FMCA screwed up by not ensuring that the folks who signed up also knew that this was a test and the information should not be disseminated to the public.  Having failed to do so, someone let the cat out of the bag and things went down hill FAST from there.

    The future of this plan still remains in jeopardy as everyone who wants this kind of a plan is going to join FMCA (a good thing) whether they own an RV or not (a bad thing).  Just look back at the OmniLynx plan and you will be able to see how a plan designed to serve a specific group that expands to a plan that serves anyone, anywhere for any reason is bound to fail.  It there were any other rules, Verizon would simply offer this exact plan to all of their customers.

    Let's come back to reality. This was no "leak". That is beltway spin that does not resolve here. The plan was published on a FMCA webpage that was easily seen by anyone with any IT expertise. "Test market plans" are NOT run that way. If you think that Verizon will tolerate "everyone who wants this kind of a plan is going to join FMCA (a good thing) whether they own an RV or not (a bad thing)" , you'd better go back and research OmniLynx again. Right now it is a plan open to the general public with no screening, for a $60 initiation fee. I hope the offering survives, but FMCA better get some expert consulting to guide them ASAP or it will fail exactly as OmniLynx did.

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