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Posts posted by mischaclark

  1. I am a brand new member and I did not get the data plan but was told it would be available soon and I believe them. They were ambushed by  a leak of the plan to a web site, which is how I found out about it, complete with links to join and a link to sign up for the data plan. It always required a membership number to sign up for the data plan and also a phone call. Both membership and data plan sign up pages were overwhelmed because they were not yet ready to accept all of the people wanting the data plan. It was mostly nonmembers who saw the data plan, I saw it on a news feed and could not find it anywhere on the FMCA web site. Verizon also seems to have a cap on the number of plans. 

    They were very nice and honest about what happened when I called to confirm my membership. 

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