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Posts posted by ecroley1@embarqmail.com

  1. It looks as if this thread might have a long life. It will be especially so as the snow birds begin their trek southward. The dealer in Daytona that replaced my tranny a couple of weeks ago told be he hadn't seen any problems with these transmissions until he saw mine three weeks ago Since then he said he as gotten two more being towed off I-95.

    I really hope a fix is found that can be done without experiencing a two week outage while on the road. We full-timers need predictability and dependability. I must say that after buying Fords since 1972 (more than I would care to admit) this experience is somewhat disheartening.

    I plan to visit my selling dealer tomorrow to begin a discussion for some resolution.

    Thanks to all of you for your candid posts.


  2. Picked up our car in Daytona today. The transmission has been replaced under warranty and we are on the road again. I had to ask for a copy of the TSA outlining new procedures for flat towing and didn't get any assistance from the service manager to understand anything not outlined in the new instructions. I decided that it would be best if my wife followed me on to Miami rather than to risk another blow up. I plan to visit my selling dealer this week to discuss possibilities for solving this issue. I like this car but I'm seriously disappointed in it's apparent failure to live up to it's advertised ability to flat tow. I am considering other recourse if the dealer can't give me some satisfaction.

  3. I had not been following these events on FMCA. Sure wish I had. I lost my Tranny Friday afternoon in Daytona Beach, Fl. It was it's first tow since new. I had left Miami after completing the set up per the manual. First stop at rest area north of Stuart about 130 miles and all was well. I was flagged by a passing car in Daytona about 130 miles later and found smoke coming from under hood. Car would not start and had a burnt fluid smell. It was towed to Ford Dealer and they are telling me they haven't heard of any issues with proper towing methods with the '09 Escape. I am waiting for a factory rep to follow up on Monday. I really hate this occurring, because now I have no faith at all in towing this car. I like it a lot and bought it for this very purpose. We are fulltimers and our car must tag along behind us to be functional. Bummer

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