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Posts posted by Alaskajim

  1. The one time I used GS roadside assistance I was very satisfied. During one of our trips an the Alcan Highway, the short hoses that connect the Aqua-hot heater to the engine coolant broke and spilled the antifreeze in the storage compartments and on the highway. We had to use our tow car to find a cell signal. Good Sam found a tow truck and a garage to fix the problem. However, the tow truck driver tried to lift the front of the bus under the generator and broke the base. The total for the 80 mile tow to Prince George, the damage to the generator base, and the damage to the fiberglass added up to $10,000. Good Sam paid for the approximately $3,000 tow and the tow truck owner paid for some of the other damage.  I will be more careful the next time I have to be towed. I am a new member and have not checked out the FMCA tow service but I am satisfied with Good Sam. 


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