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Posts posted by lindacahill

  1. Hello from Atlanta! We're Pat & Linda, married 30 years and celebrated this milestone by buying our first MH, 02 Discovery 37'. We've been looking and saving for quite a few years and are thrilled to finally have our own. We have 4 kids, two out of the house and two still with us, 1 daughter-in-law and our first grandbaby on the way.

    I (Linda) grew up camping in tents and then a camper. My single mom would hook up the camper to the old station wagon and off we'd go down the road with 5 kids and usually a dog or two (back in the late 60's & 70's). My mom (now 76 years old) still takes to the road with her truck & camper, several times a year -- usually with her two camping buddies, both in their mid eighties. She was just as excited as we were when we made our purchase -- she knows the years of enjoyment, experiences and memories we'll collect in our home on wheels.

    Since we've had our coach, we've worked in 4 mini trips and are anxiously planning several more this spring. And then we're going to get away from our video production business for a 2-3 week trip this summer. Would love for it to be longer but kids still have activities going on -- our time will come!

    I enjoyed reading all the stories on this blog -- like-minded adventurers. Hope to meet some of you on the road!

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