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Posts posted by dbulow

  1. Anyone know if Ralph still is suppling parts for Safari. I do need help in my 2000 32 foot Safari Sahara class A as it bottoms out on rough roads. I tried to go through the web address and I filled out the contact up page but it bounced. I tried to call but there was no answer or answering machine.

    I have been wondering if I need to put on air bags since it does not have them and wonder what other Safari owners have done, especially if anyone has my model and same problems. I have had it for almost a year and am very new to this. My friend is a mechanic who has been helping me but we have not figured the best solution. Any help is appreciated.

  2. I live on a sloped street downwards facing, while I bring my motor home home to unload and clean it gets soaked if it rains trhough the air conditioner vents. If I am level this is not a problem. Is there a solution for this other than keeping the motorhome level. There is not way to level it on the street other than to park it somewhere other than in front of my house.

    Has anyone encountered this problem and have a solution? Is there a cover like the vent covers you can purchase with a rain senor or something?

    Thanks for your help.

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