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Everything posted by drzemke

  1. I tried to get information from FMCA by submitting my question about plan expiration, via their web form. Alas, after waiting for more than a week, no one responded. After a bit of navel gazing, I realized that my actual contract for the cellular service was with Verizon, not FMCA. I spoke with Verizon support this evening and asked what happens when my contract expires next month. I was told that my coverage will continue at the same price, after my contract expires. That's good news to me. Verizon data, at a reasonable price, with the freedom to terminate the service at any time. No contractual or membership requirements.
  2. Manholt, Thanks. But that's not what this website currently says. Do you have a more definitive source? See the bullet: "What happens at the end of my 2-year contract with Verizon?" at this link: https://www.fmca.com/fmca-verizon-4g-mifi
  3. My "Connect-On-The-Go" Verizon contract expires on 5/8/2020. Has anyone heard what the renewal terms will be? From the Q&A section of FMCA's ad: "What happens at the end of my 2-year contract with Verizon? Verizon will honor the discounted price for 2 years from your sign up date. After your 2-year contract with Verizon has expired, pricing is subject to the terms of a new or revised agreement between FMCA and Verizon."
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