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Looking For Faith Based Mission Service Trips With Like Minded Christians

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My wife and I have a Roadtrek and have been adventuring since January of 2011.

Recently retired we are now taking longer trips visiting friends and family as well as just taking time to relax. Being in healthcare for thirty years I have had the opportunity to serve not only my patients in our local hospital but to volunteer on medical missions to Guatemala providing anesthesia services in the operating room. Faith in Practice, a group based in Houston, is a faith based group that I have volunteered with in the past. The cohesiveness of the group was inspirational since we were all together to serve God.

I was wondering if there were any groups out there, organized FMCA members groups, that wanted to provide assistance, in any form, to those in need, whether it be from natural disasters of to be of help to those less fortunate. Habitat for Humanity is one example of an organization that might work with groups of FMCA members. I have a medical background and my wife was a librarian for many years. There must be others that seek this path as a part of our gratitude for our abundance and the obligation we have to serve others in need.

Mark Noguchi

San Rafael, California


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Welcome to the FMCA forums. You might take a look at the FMCA Chapter listings at:


This one is listed when I do a search.


Also, the Escapees RV Club has several groups:

*Disaster Operations Volunteer Escapees * (the Doves) - This is a group of Red Cross disaster operations volunteers

Habitat for Humanity CBoF

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We have been working for the last 3 years as missionary volunteers. We started with the Mennonite Disaster Service as an RV group and now are working with Mobile Missionary Assistance Program. With the Mennonite we were working in the disaster areas and had a lot of fun and gained a lot of experience. We then went with MMAP and work on church related projects such as building camps, dorms, churches, RV sites for camps and everything in between. We also get into cooking and devotional services. Every denomination seems to have some sort of a volunteer group although some are not RVers. We have enjoyed the work that we do and the places that we have been and we are fultime in the service of our Lord. Acts 1:8 is what we believe and do. Home Is Where We Park It and sometimes the areas have been not that good, but the blessings that we received have been greater than we have anticipated. Just do some research online.

Pray and seek the Lords will and he will bless you in measures unknown.

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