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Follow along with Punxsyjumper and Sweetie Pie as we travel the country in our 40' pusher


Entries in this blog


Saying good bye is never easy

It's been awhile since our last post, a lot has happened. We left PA on 13SEP17, as planned. Our first stop was Twin Lakes RV center in Lagrange IN. Had a few minor things checked out and serviced. Then it was a short hop down the road to Dan's Hitch in Elkhart to have our Roadmaster Brakemaster installed on our 2016 Nissan Frontier. I bought it in Chandler at the convention and then learned about the M&G system. I would much rather have had it installed but Roadmaster was going to char





This has been a busy past couple of months. Last week was busy and tonight we are kicking back with a cold one after one heckuva busy weekend. Why so busy? Fulltime RV life starts wed morning. We are so ready to roll. First stop will be in Elkhart IN for a few service issues that need taken care of. Nothing major. Then it is on the SD for our residency. Will be there for 30 days and then south to visit Sweetie Pie's cousin in OK. Then down to TX and over to Lubbock. After that, the schedule is v




2017 Snowbird trip

Trying something new. Well, new for me. I'm sure it's been done many times. Here is our route for this winter. Anybody along the way? Click here for our route




Our intro

Just a quick introduction to us. After some encouragement from another blogger (thanks Tom) I'm going to try this blogging thing and see where it goes. After 10 years of homesteading in the western PA mountains, we are switching up from growing our own veg and raising our own meat to selling it all and going full time in a 40' pusher. We bought the coach last year and left in Nov 2016. We went through OH and visited a buddy in KY. Then we went to TN and visited more friends. From there we h



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