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North Central to North Eastern Arkansas

RV Camping in Mountains and Near Lakes By Bob and Pam Stephens North Central Arkansas is composed of Ozarks (meaning “rounded hillsâ€) with three large lakes: Bull Shoals http://www.bullshoals.net/ , Heber Lake http://www.heber-springs.com/content/ and Norfork Lake. http://www.lakenorfork.com/ All of the lakes are great for boating activities, and all kinds and fishing. While you are in the area, check out Hand Cove Resort and RV Park http://www.handcoveresort.com/index.htm on Lake




Check Out Northwest Arkansas’ RV Campgrounds

Camping in the Beautiful Ozark Mountains Written by Bob and Pam Stephens Northwest Arkansas http://www.nwark.org/northwest_arkansas_se...thwest_arkansas is a beautiful area to see! It has an abundance of greenery, water, and rolling hills. The Ozarks are the main influence of the area. In Northwest Arkansas you will find the communities of Eureka Springs, Ft. Smith, Fayetteville, Rogers, Bentonville, Bella Vista, Beaver Town, Springdale, Van Buren, and Berryville. Two large lakes are in No




The Arkansas River Valley

Gateway to Wonderful RV Destinations Written by Bob and Pam Stephens The Arkansas River Valley is really is a wonderful RV destination! Close to the center of the state, the Arkansas River runs mostly east to West in this area along with a southerly flow. This area is warmer in the summer than it is in the Northern end of the state. If you enjoy boating, fishing and hunting, this is a great area to visit. The Army Corps of Engineers has some of the best campgrounds in the state right along




Adventures in the Ozarks by RV!

RV Adventures in the Ozarks of Arkansas By Pam and Bob Stephens The Arkansas' Ozark Mountains are stunningly beautiful and offer views that are hard to beat anywhere else in the world, but nature is just where an Ozarks vacation begins. There are tons of things to do in this area, and one of the best ways to get a taste of it all is to pile into the RV and give RV camping in the Ozarks of Arkansas a try. There's a little something for everyone in the Ozarks, making it the perfect family ge




Perfect Getaways - Arkansas RV Camp Sites

Written by Pam and Bob Stephens A vacation in Arkansas can mean different things to different people, but no matter what your ideal Arkansas vacation is, a good way to experience it all is by RV. RV parks are scattered all around the state to let you get a taste of the beautiful scenery and the local culture and heritage of the area. If you're looking for a place to berth your RV so you can settle in right now, check out these Arkansas RV camp sites: • If you are craving a completely peacef




Want to Get Close to Nature in the RV?

written by Bob and Pam Stephens Want to Get Close to Nature? Here’s some great ones! You can't beat seeing the state of Arkansas from the comfort of your RV. From the Ozarks to the Delta, this state is rich in natural wonders. What better way to enjoy it all than at a great Arkansas RV campground? The state is chock full of places that you can use as home base for your RV as you bask in the surroundings, and many of the Arkansas RV campgrounds not only offer a safe and friendly place to stay




Southern Arkansas RV Camping from A to D!

Southern Arkansas RV Camping- From A- Alligators to D- Diamonds! by Bob and Pam Stephens From Alligators to Diamonds…I know which one I’d prefer! Southern Arkansas is more of an agricultural farming area, with fields of cotton, soy and rice. There are Cypress trees growing out of the water and many dead tree stumps sticking out of the water, reminiscent of Louisiana's swamps. The lakes are not for waterskiing in some cases or swimming. Some of the lakes have dangerous residents: alligat




Wondering What to Do with the Grandkids?

Send Your Kids or Grandkids to Arkansas Summer Camp! By Bob and Pam Stephens Do you have your grandkids for a part of the Summer? When you are traveling through, stop awhile and let your kids go to camp. They will have a great time, traveling with you and attending a great camp! Why not think about this: Summer camp is a right of passage for many kids. It gives them a chance to have tons of fun away from their parents, but it also gives them a chance to learn new skills, make new friends,




Home Away From Home?

by Bob and Pam Stephens Looking to Find Your Arkansas Home Away From Home? When you plan an RV trip to Arkansas, the problem won't be finding a decent place to pull up your RV - the problem will be deciding which RV Park you want to call home during your stay. Arkansas RV parks are dotted all over the state, and many of them offer world-class amenities and activities for everyone in the family. The easiest way to narrow down all of your options is probably to figure out what kind of vacation




The Signs Along the Way!

By Pamela Stephens Have you ever noticed that road signs are a lot like life? We’ve gone down the road in our motorhome and sometimes I get bored, just sitting! Big surprise! Sometimes I am reading, sometimes I am crocheting, but sometimes I am lost in a daydream. At other times, I am “observing†the signs of life! • “Wrong Way†or “Do not enter†are important signs when driving a 38-foot motorhome! You really could end up where you don’t belong! A one-way road is definitely




I've Been Thinking...

Written by Pamela Stephens I was just thinking…I’ve posted a lot of our RV photos taken throughout Canada here on the FMCA website, (see Album “Oh Canadaâ€) and it really made me feel like I had just taken the trip all over again! And it put me in a very nostalgic mood remembering some of the things that we spoke about in the days before it took place! During the planning of our trip, all of us got together to consider what we wanted to do “as a group†to make it a terrific experi




Where Is Your Mate's Head??

by Pamela Stephens Sounds like the question that was popular many years ago, “It’s 10 o’clock. Do you know where your child is?†Perhaps this is a sore subject, but do you know what your spouse has planned for their (and thus your) retirement? Okay, he wants to fish and whittle toys for grandsons. Great!! Eventually that will wear off! You can only fish or go bowling so many times before coming to the conclusion that this isn’t what you thought it would be! Have you had the discu




We've Still Got It!!

By Pamela Stephens, baby boomer As Baby Boomers, we have collectively set quite a few trends and even a few fads. Because our ranks are many, Boomers have lined the pockets of many a toy maker with the likes of hula hoops, Davey Crockett coonskin caps, Tiny Tears dolls, and Tinker Toys; and many a gal my age had a poodle skirt or two and watched the phenomenon of American Bandstand, oohing and aawing over the latest teen idols and their hits. It seems as Boomers, our generation is doing it ag



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