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... Day 2 of the Adventure

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The second day of the Adventure - The drive today from Flagstaff AZ to Taos NM was mostly easy driving using I-40 to I-25, then at Santa Fe NM, we turned onto state road 525 with the last 100 miles into Taos was a bit more difficult and slow.

There was one major problem encountered with the Rig and it was not a actual mechanical problem... I'll blame it on human error, I tried to lay the blame on the dog, but my conscious got the better of me.

Here is the problem that happened...

In Flagstaff AZ, we got the Rig ready for departure... part of the process was to empty the black tank first and then the gray tank to flush out the sewer line.. However, there was just a little water in the gray tank, so I opened the sink facets and the shower facet to run water into the gray tank. After a few minutes, there was enough water in the gray tank to flush out the sewer hose, so I then turned off the city water, then closed the kitchen and bathroom sink facets. Everything seemed good... no running water, no water pump noise. I concluded we were good to go.

And away we went..... traveling down I-40 for about 30 minutes, Trudy got up to get a bottle of water, and issued an urgent comment like "Doug, we have water flooding in the bathroom and kitchen area.... water everywhere!" HMMM,, I think Trudy had a shriek in her voice... which got my attention immediately....

My first thought was a broken water line, however the water was about the holding tanks... I next thought something is pumping water through a break in a house water line... I told Trudy to check the water pump and it should be turned off... when Trudy checked the water pump was ON. At the same time I looking to slow down and get off of the interstate. Once off the interstate and safely parked... I got up from the drivers seat and sloshed through a lot of clean water... my mind was racing trying to figure out the problem, where is the water coming from?

I eliminated the kitchen, bathroom facets, and also checked the wash-out hose in the head... and then, I opened the shower door... and shazaam! The shower pan was full of water!

What caused the flooding and why was the shower pan full... you may ask? Well, remember earlier I mentioned that I made sure the kitchen and bathroom sink facets were closed, but I overlooked the shower facet. The shower facet was open. Also, remember I said I checked to make the that the water pump was turned off before we left the last camp site... that was true. However, one of us, I'll take the blame, turned on the water pump after we got on the road... so with the shower facet open, the water pump pushed almost 80 gallons of water into the shower... but then the gray water tank is only 40 gallons... once the gray tank was filled, the shower pan filled, and then water flowed over the shower pan into the coach... hence about 20-25 gallons of fresh water flowed into the bathroom, and kitchen areas...

We were not close to a dumping location... so I then had to figure out how to move some of the shower pan water... which I did by taking a large bowl and dumping water into the kamode. In the meantime, Trudy had thrown down all of the towels we had on board, which slowed down the water from creeping to far into the coach. I started the generator so a small fan we had on board would blow air over the carpet, we also turned on both exhaust fans to keep moving air in the coach.

That's all we could do for the moment... at the next Flying J station we pulled in to dump the gray and black tanks... and reload the potable water supply.

Later in the day, when we got into Taos NM and the Taos RV Park, we could take the time to further dry out the Rig...

So, a problem that could be avoided by checking all facets with the water pump on, before leaving the campground.

So ends the 2nd day of the adventure...


Dale, Trudy, and Doug

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