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... Days 3 and 4 of the Adventure

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... and the Adventure continues on Day 3...

As was mentioned in an earlier blog posting we planned and did stay in Taos NM an extra day... the intent was to explore both Santa Fe and Taos. However, Santa Fee was a good 1-1.5 hours south of Taos, and the road is winding and slow. So, we stayed in Taos to finish cleaning up the wet carpet in the RV and wash a load of towels.

So on Day 3, Monday, we did our chores, and then rented a car to explore Taos. We had a great time. We visited the Taos Pueblo Indian Center, very interesting. We had lunch in Taos in a restaurant locals used called "Stray Cats".

We asked a number of locals about sights to see in a short period of time. We settled on a driving tour called the "Enchantment Circle", and we highly recommend it to anyone visiting Taos. The driving tour covers very different landscapes. We first went to the Raging Gorge Bridge, where a large span bridge crosses a deep gorge where the Rio Grande River flows, an amazing site.

We then continued on the "Enchantment Circle" drive, going through the towns of Questa, Red River, Eagle Nest, and Angle Fire. When we drive into the Town of Red River we were ready to move there, it is one of the most quaint towns we've seen. We stopped at a store called "The Candy Crate" that had a large variety of old time candy and we bought a ton of sweet stuff... for starters we bought 5 types of fudge, Rocky Road, Raspberry/Chocolate, Chocolate/Chocolate, Maple Walnut, and Vanilla Walnut. Yummmmm! :lol: At the end of the day we were ready to relax in the RV.

.... Day 4, Tuesday,

We are back in the RV headed for Amarillo TX and planning to stay at the Oasis RV Park just west of Amarillo.

Driving down the high plateau using Route 518 from Taos NM was beautiful and slow... it took about 2 hours to go 74 miles.... once we were down into flat country we picked up I-40 to Amarillo. The drive was uneventful and we covered about 350 miles.

... Later,

Dale, Trudy, and Doug

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