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...Day 5 of the Adventure

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... Day 5, Wednesday, of the adventure was rather dull,

We left the Oasis RV Resort, 2715 Arnot Road, Amarillo TX, and headed East on I-40 to spend the night at the Oklahoma City East KOA CG, 6200 S Choctaw Rd, Choctaw, OK. Along the way we stopped for lunch in Clinton, OK.

In late afternoon we arrived at the KOA CG, set the RV up, and all seemed good. We took Dale to the pet area and had some dinner. The campground was well laid out, lots of trees, and the weather was very nice.

At about 9 pm the evening began to unravel... Trudy said she wasn't feeling well, that she had an upset stomach. By 10 pm was was very sick... bloating, gas, and so forth. When she began hugging the Porcelain God (kamode) she was really sick... We weren't sure what was going on, but we did suspect food poisioning... but we both ate the same food and I was OK... or so I thought. About midnight, I also started hugging the Porcelain God. For several hours we were taking turns... what we ate wanted out of our bodies in the worst way... so, for the next several hours it sounded like two people were dying a painful death... about 4 am there was nothing left to give the Porcelain God... and we both were beat, sore, and very tired.

On the lighter side... envision that the closet the kamode is in is about 24'' wide and about 42" deep... I'm 6'2", 220 lbs, and Trudy is 5'10". So as we are fighting for our place at the kamode things got a bit cramped. :lol:

We were in bad shape... I was in no condition to drive to Branson MO. So we went to Plan B, don't go to Branson MO, but stay at the KOA campground to recover, then leave the next morning to go to Nashville TN, which is about 700 miles away.

... stay turned to our wild adventures,

Dale, Trudy, Doug

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