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Whack! ... days 14, 15, 16 of 32, Still in Cherry Hill RV Park

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Friday, June 12, Day 14 of 32,

Today we took the Metro into Washington DC. We have a 1 PM appointment to tour the Capital. We were able to get connected to our congressional representative's office and we only had 6 folks in our group, and then an Intern led the tour. What can we say about the tour of the Capital... it was great! A two hour tour only touches on the various things to see and hear about our country's history... it is an amazing place.

Saturday, June 13, Day 15 of 32,

Whack! We acted as tourist all day. We met up with Lexi and Dan, and then drove to Baltimore MD, to the Port of Baltimore.

OK, for those folks unfamiliar with the term "Whack", here is the definition: to strike with a smart, resounding blow or blows. I'll explain later, but first when we got to the Port of Baltimore and parked the car, we then walked to the Aquarium Pier and bought tickets to tour the USCGC Taney (last remaining large Coast Guard Cutter) and the USS Torsk (the last submarine produced for WWII.) We then got tickets for using the Water Taxi Service. After a bit of waiting and several water taxi transfers, we ended up at Captain James Landing...

...Whack, Whack, Whack! at Captain James Landing, a seafood restaurant with a outdoor eating area right next to the water, we ordered fried Calamari, and a dozen LARGE crabs... Whack, Whack, Whack!!! That's the sound of mallets cracking the legs and claws of the crabs... Ops, I should also mention that we had sufficient beer to wash down the fresh crab, Calamari, and French Fries... :lol: Whack-Whack-Whack!!!! ... and one more thing... we had milkshakes and ice cream at Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Parlor.

Sunday, June 14, Day 16 of 32,

Today is a rest and washing clothes day. We had to breakfast out, spent several hours with clothes, walked Dale several times, and then dinner out. Tomorrow, Monday, we are planning to tour a number of sites in DC.

... Stay tuned,

Dale, Trudy, and Doug

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