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What does this do?



blog-0411049001380713394.jpg Most of the time, I am just plain confused. Between being confused and trying to make certain that Michelle doesn't know how confused I am, I am pretty busy.

I guess the thing that first confused me was how many sets of keys there are to our Coach. When we passed papers I asked Don for the spares and he told me they were already on board. 5 sets. Why there are 5 complete sets is kind of confusing in itself. If I manage to misplace 4 sets of keys I probably should not be driving a 40' coach and towing a Jeep behind it.

Then there are the buttons. And switches. A lot of these buttons and switches activate systems or accessories that Don installed after he bought the coach so they are not even labeled. I am guessing that between the dashboard, the overhead control panel, the overhead media center, the overhead satellite panel, the forward fuse box, the main cabin control panel, the bedroom audio, lighting and slide panel, and the main power panel under the control panel near the aft television and dvd player panel, there are a few hundred buttons and knobs. When Don gave me the orientation tour, he did tell me about the twenty or so knobs that you don't touch, ever. I guess I am still wondering why there would even be a switch for something that you don't want to use. Or if you do want to use it, how do you accomplish that without touching the switch. All of these buttons are inside the coach. On the outside of the coach there are a few dozen more that are downright terrifying.

I have not climbed the rear ladder to the roof yet because I am afraid of heights. I imagine there are buttons up there too. I hope they are ok. If there are any buttons and switches under the bus, I will pay some one to turn them on and off.

Today, the guy from the Satellite company is coming. He will be here in an hour or so to install our dish so that we can watch tv. I am sure there will be some more buttons. Maybe another remote control or two to add to the 5 or so that we have now.

Next week I will be installing our mobile wi-fi system. I am going to tackle that one myself. Fairly button-less. After that we will hook up our RV Specific GPS Nav system and that should about be it for buttons and switches.

Did I tell you that I got this?

Follow Michelle and I as we undertake this wonderful adventure around the country on the Motor Coach we call America. www.facebook.com/everywhereamerica


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Must be a Boeing 767 cockpit!!!!!! Did you ask Don if was an aviation instructer? I've seen a few Prevost with almost that many devices and switches.

What brand of wi-fi system? I have installed a cradlepoint using Verizon 4g, and it is fabulous.

Good luck pushing the buttons, maybe rings the oval office, "LOL"


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We too are about to begin this Journey. If you don't mind me asking, what did you end up deciding for the mobile WiFi and why did you choose that particular solution. Kaypsmith... why the cradle point?


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We ended up going with the AT&T hot spot. We are currently customers and it seemed to make the most sense to us. The unit itself I think is $50 or free if you are upgrade eligible. Additionally, we will be able to use it on the go. The rates are reasonable and with the relative ease and general availability of wi-fi at most rv parks, we are hoping not to exceed our elected usage of 10 gb monthly. If we do, we can upgrade accordingly. We currently have the share plan. I share these phones with 4 other family members for a total of 5 people using it. With 5 iPhones and 5 data plans we pay about 305 a month. Happy trails and we hope to catch up with you soon!


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