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Time at Cincinnati



We left home on early Wednesday morning and it was a beautiful day for traveling. We didn't take the motorhome and stayed in a motel. Jon and Sondra came, too. Jon and I conducted some business while there. There is always business to take care of.

Our main reason for going to Cincinnati was to attend the office Christmas party. We had good food and fellowship. We played some games such as musical chairs with a balloon between the knees, marshmallow toss, a relay race obstacle course where we were holding a paint paddle with an oven mitt and balanced a balloon through the obstacle course, and a scavenger hunt with each team tied together with ribbon. The average of all games determined the winner. Gloria's team was #1, #2 was Jon Walker's team, # 3 was Sondra Walker's team and my team came in last. I sure was tired when I got back to the motel, but isn't it "All about having fun?" We had lots of fun. Thanks to Gear for donating the money for the party for the employees.

We are now on the road back home. We had a wonderful time at the party and I think the staff enjoyed it, too. We left Cincinnati at about 4:30 a.m. and were home a little after 1 p.m. I think it was as cold here as it was in Ohio. It was a beautiful day to drive but rain was expected in Arkansas, so we were pleased when it didn't start raining until we drove into the garage.

We are now looking forward to Christmas.


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