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Visited the MH in its winter storage

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Today, Grandma and I visited our "Cottage on Wheels" in its winter storage, inside a warehouse of a former lumber yard. Due to some health issues now being evaluated, we have decided to forego our previously planned winter trip to Florida. Therefore, the MH will stay in storage until April sometime.

When I parked it, on Nov 16, I used the "battery disconnect" switches, but did not physically disconnect the batteries. I was pleased to find that I had ample battery power today. The engine started right up, as if it had only been shut down for a day. The generator required about 3 tries, but it does that in the warmer weather, as well. I also turned on the propane at the tank, and on the inside switch, bled out the air at the cooktop, and started the furnace.

Several boats had been angle parked along the path between our MH and the door. While they did leave just space enough for me to drive out, I decided against it. I would have had to carefully back in again, threading the needle between all the trailer tongues. I just opened the big doors fully, to provide ventilation while we ran our engine and generator.

Everything looked to be in good shape, with no harm or vandalism during storage even though I had neglected to lock the driver's door.

After running long enough to bring the engine temp gauge halfway up (and dash heat coming), I shut it down again. I ran the generator long enough that the oil filter felt warm, but not hot. I know some folks would say I didn't run either engine long enough to really drive the vapor out of the oil. However, I didn't want to waste too much gas, and didn't want to run it too long inside (even though we were in a large building with a huge door open). I think I ran long enough to gain on the state of charge in the batteries.

I shut off the propane (with the switch and the valve on the tank), used the battery disconnect switches, and locked both doors this time.

I look forward to getting the MH out in the Spring, and installing the neww Bilstein shocks we bought for it.

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It sounds like you have had some experience. I am in a quandary and looking for some advice. I am considering two 2010 View Profiles: one is, despite its year, almost new as it has less than 2000 miles and last then three hours on the generator. The other has 33,000 miles, and the asking price is much higher. From my experience with my present Rialta and from having owned boats, I know that these units and their equipment need to be operated. What are your thoughts on this choice? Thank you.

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verjay -

While I agree that a lot of sitting unused can be a bad thing on an older motorhome, I think that a 2010 unit is new enough that it shouldn't be a big factor. A lot of folks don't use their generator much. Probably either of these units would be a good choice. Based on what you said, and if the condition of the units wer equal, the rig with only 2000 miles, and at a significantly lower price, whould be my choice. Another thing to consider is how and where they were stored. If one were stored indoors in the off season, the roof, caulking and paint might be better.

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When I store my 2006 Tuscany I run the gen at least twice a month for a couple hours with a electric heater to up the load and try to take it for a 20 mile drive at least once in 3 months time frame.

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