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Update On Sugar

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I mentioned in my previous post that several things had kept me from being as active here as I had planned. One of those was Sugar, the stray we found in June (that post is on this blog). About 2 weeks before Drew was killed, we woke up one morning to find bloody mucus all over the floor, and blood on Sugar's back legs. We took her to the vet as quickly as possible and found out that she had been pregnant when we found her, but the pregnancy didn't take. Instead of miscarrying, everything stayed inside and had set up a massive infection. We had the vet do emergency surgery to remove all the infected material and clean out her abdomen. The next day, Sugar was home, very sore, but on the road to recovery.

Now, as I write this, she has fully recovered from her ordeal. She and Coty, another stray we found about a year ago, have become best buds - wrestling and chasing each other as only cats can. She has become our 3rd motorhome kitty, and while she isn't quite as fond of it as Coty is yet, she likes to go with us and look out the windows at the squirrels and birds - not to mention having ready access to Donna and me.

So Sugar is fine, and so are Coty and Cole, our other two "traveling kitties." They're helping us with our loss over Drew. I can't wait until this semester is over (I teach at a university) when we can all load up our SeeYa for a week-long trip.

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:rolleyes: I hope you had her spayed to prevent further pregnancies. This must have been so painful for her. Poor kitty. We travel with 4 kitties. They have over 10,000 miles of travel under their belt, so they are pretty used to it. Do your other 2 kitties just not like travel?

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Yes, unfortunately, the other two do not like to travel. I'd love to be able to take the full bunch with us. But Tigger is the big, and I do mean big (17 lbs, no kidding) baby. He goes absolutely ballistic when we try to take him to the motorhome. And Blackie, the other cat, stays home to keep Tigger company.

And yes, Sugar was spayed during her emergency surgery. We had planned on spaying her, but not like that.

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